Chapter 24

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That night Steven is inside of a building where he had everybody who worked for him there so he could talk to them about what they had to do.

"I don't need any fuck up", said Steven. "I'm supposed to get a lot of money tonight from this job. I mean y'all get a little something too of course. But um no fuck up. Get of trucks, see y'all when y'all get back."

His guys left.

Steven pulled his phone out and pulled up a map. It had Malaysia's car location on it. It said she was home.

Steven called her as he walked out of the building.

"Hello?", said Malaysia.

"What you doing?", he asked.

"Laying down. Why what's up?", asked Malaysia.

"Nothing. I'm just checking on you. Need anything? Food? Money?", he asked.

"No", said Malaysia.

"You sure you don't need anything? You know I'll always give you money if you need it", said Steven.

"Why do you keep asking me about needing money?", she asked. "I think my business is going pretty good"

"It was just a question", said Steven.

"Okay well I just wanted to give you something and I wanted to talk about something", he said.

"About what?", she asked. "About how you followed me today?"

"What?", asked Steven.

"I mean that's why you asked about money right? You saw Terrell give me some", said Malaysia. "Well, Kelz saw that, I'm pretty sure he told you."

"I mean like yea he told me, but I ain't—"

"Stop lying.", said Malaysia.

"Baby, look—"

"Malaysia", he said correcting her.

"You know I know we ain't together. That's just what I call you", said Steven.

"I don't care. Why are you following me?", asked Malaysia. "And I really hope you didn't make an ass of yourself by talking to Terrell because that money was for weed."

"Weed? Who the fuck you know that's selling weed? Why you just ain't ask me?", asked Steven.

"Because I don't need to come to you for everything", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia, I just feel like we both grown. We know what we want. I love you, you love me. Stop trying to make shit so difficult", said Steven.

"Stop trying to force this", said Malaysia.

"You damn right I'm going to force because you are who I want in my life. You are what I need in my life.", he said. "You think I ain't gonna fight for you? Look you're right. I did go into the store and talk to ole boy."

"Oh my gosh", said Malaysia.

"But he told me what was up so I ain't trip. I even supported his little business he got going on", said Steven.

"And I told you what was up. You ain't wanna listen to that", said Malaysia.

"It's not about what y'all had going on. I just wanted him to know that if he was trying to get with you then he needed to stop", said Steven.

"What? So- so I can't have anybody but you can go around talking to these females and fucking them?", asked Malaysia.

Steven rolled his eyes.

"Look, Steven, stay outta my damn business. We ain't together. The only business that involves you that has something to do with me is our son. Stay the fuck out of my personal life. If I was messing with Terrell, that's my business and if he wanted me so bad then he would've told me that you came into his shop but he didn't. As a matter of fact, you wanna know the reason I even thought about telling you about my pregnancy? It was because of Terrell. He explained things to me in a way that I didn't understand because I never went through that. The crazy thing is...what he said, you said the same thing. So I'm glad I decided to tell you.", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia, I just wanna love you. That's it. I don't wanna treat you wrong and make you feel bad about yourself I just wanna love you and you won't let me do that just because of my job. You got caught up in my shit, yes. But I will not let that happen again. I swear to God."

"Goodnight, Steven", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia wa-"

Malaysia hung up.

Steven sucked his teeth and left.


Malaysia walked into the living and Terrell was sitting on the couch eating.

"You could've just taken that home", said Malaysia.

"I didn't wanna be rude and just leave after you offered me something to eat...besides I was kinda being nosey", said Terrell. "Everything okay?"

"Yea...I just...I wanna be with him but after being shot at twice...I just...I can't shake that. When I'm with him and I hear loud noises I just think that something bad is coming my way", said Malaysia.

"Don't let him pressure you into something that you ain't ready for. If he really wanted you, he'd wait or get his shit together", said Terrell.

"Why didn't you tell me he came into the store?", asked Malaysia.

"I didn't think it was important. It was just a misunderstanding. Problem was solved", said Terrell.

Malaysia sighs.

"He seems like he cares about you though", said Terrell. "...seems like he's just scared to lose you."

"...Terrell how about we call it a night. See you another time alright?", said Malaysia.

"Alright", said Terrell. "You gonna be good?"

"Yea. I'm fine", said Malaysia.

"Alright. Bye. Goodnight", said Terrell.

"Goodnight", said Malaysia.

Terell stood up and gave Malaysia a hug.

"Don't doubt yourself", he said. "But at the same time whatever decision you make...make sure you're happy."

Malaysia gave him a hug back as he said that.

Terrell pulled away and left.

Malaysia sat down and thought about Steven.

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