Chapter 13

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Steven and Malaysia are outside in the lobby. Malaysia is comforting Steven.

"I'm not going to sit here and say that I know how you feel because I don't. But I can only imagine how you feel by thinking about if that was my own mom.", said Malaysia.

"I know you probably think I'm some little bitch", said Steven.

"Because you're crying? Because your emotional about your mom's condition? I would look at your crazy if you weren't. Everybody cries", said Malaysia.

"I've been trying to accept it but I can't.", said Steven. "She's my mom, my best friend, everything"

"...maybe you should be spending time with her.", said Malaysia. "Go talk to her while you can. Sometimes the simple fact of talking to someone can make you accept things a little'll they didn't leave the world scared and alone. They'll left it happy because they got the chance to be with someone they loved."

Steven didn't say anything for a moment.

"...okay", said Steven.

"...while I let you guys be alone, I need to go by CVS real quick so can I get your keys", said Malaysia.

"Yea", said Steven as he hands her the keys. "Get me some chips"

"Okay", said Malaysia.

Steven stood up and so did Malaysia.

"Be careful. My tint dark and it's hard to see out the windows at night", said Steven.

"Okay", said Malaysia. "I'll be back"

Malaysia walked away.

Steven watched her for a moment.

"Wait, let me take you", he said as he started walking toward her.

"No. Stay with you mom", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia, I—"

"Steven, stay. You need to spend as much time with her as possible. I hate to say it but she doesn't look good", said Malaysia.

Steven looked down then back at Malaysia.

"Okay", he said.

"I'll be right back. Im just going to get one thing", said Malaysia.

"And my chips", said Steven.

"And your chips", said Malaysia. "I'll be back."

"Be safe. Watch your surroundings", said Steven.

"Okay", said Malaysia before she walked away.

Steven walked to his mom's room.

Once Malaysia pulled up to CVS she saw a group of guys looking at the car. She didn't think anything of it. She was too busy worrying about getting a plan B. She got out of the car and walked to toward the store.

"Ay shawty", said one of the guys.

Malaysia ignored them and went into the store.

Malaysia walked to the pharmacy.

"Where do you guys keep your um.. your plan B?", asked Malaysia.

"I'll get that for you", said the pharmacist as she grabbed some keys.

The woman unlocked the case and walked to the counter.

"Anything else you wanna ring up?", she asked.

"Um Yea some—", Malaysia turned to get the chips but she saw one of the guys in the store. She didn't feel like talking to them going through the whole rejection stuff. Malaysia looked at the pharmacist. "No just that", said Malaysia.

"Okay", said the pharmacist.

The pharmacist rang Malaysia up and Malaysia paid for the Plan B.

"Have a good night", said the pharmacist.

"Same to you", said Malaysia.

Malaysia began walking out of CVS and the guy caught up to her.

"I was talking to you a few minutes ago but I guess you didn't hear me", said the guy.

"Nah", said Malaysia. "But I gotta go so—"

The guy grabbed her hand.

"I think you don't understand...when I'm talking to you, you listen. I'll dismiss you", said the guy. "Now I got a question"

"...what?", asked Malaysia.

"Is that your car?", he walked.

"Yes", replied Malaysia. "Why?"

"You're lying", he said. "Where is he?"

"Who?", asked Malaysia.

"Girl, don't be one of them dumb bitches that gets killed over a nigga", said the guy.

Malaysia didn't say anything.

"Oh now you don't wanna start?", he asked.

He let her go and Malaysia was grabbed from the back by two men. Before she could scream, one of the guys stabbed her neck with a syringe. She began to pass out.

"Take her dumb ass in the truck. She'll talk when she wakes up", said the guy.

The men threw her on the truck and they sped off.


Steven is looking at his phone as his leg jumps up and down.

"You okay, sweetheart?", asked his mom. She could barely keep her eyes open

Steven jumped a little. She had been in and out of her sleep so he didn't realize she was looking at him.

"Yea. I'm fine. I was trying to get a hold of Malaysia but she ain't answer. She probably left her phone in the car", said Steven as he put his phone in his pocket and pulled a chair up to his mom.

His mom held his hand and he heard her sniff.

"Steven I don't have much longer okay? But I don't wanna leave you unhappy", said Sharon.

"I'm happy. I'm happy to experience you as mom. You were hard on me but I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you", said Steven.

" good to her. I feel like she's special", said Sharon.

Steven nods.

"Be good to're one of a kind. It's only one of you. Once you're gone..that's it.", said Sharon. "I don't expect you—"

Sharon began to close her eyes.

"Mom", said Steven.

Sharon opened her eyes.

"Just be careful out here", she said as she closed her eyes again and pat his hand.

Steven looked at her for a moment and kissed her forehead.

"I love you mom", said Steven.

"I love you more than— more than life itself", said Sharon.

Steven looked down for a moment.

"I remember when you used to tell me that as a kid. Every night before bed", he said. "I never really grasped what meant by that until now"

Sharon didn't say anything.

"...if you're happy, I'm hap—"

The heart monitor's line went flat.

Steven quickly looked at up. He looked at the monitor then at his mom.

"....goodbye", he said.

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