Chapter 11

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A couple of days later Malaysia went to work. She wasn't in a good mood all day.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you or what?", asked Khalil. "You got a bad attitude"

"That shit that went down at my apartment because of the shit Steven did, got me kicked out. I got less than a month to move out. That was the only place that I could afford that looked decent", said Malaysia. "Now I gotta move back to my parents' house"

"Damn. Well just tell Steven to set you up with something until you get back on your feet", said Khalil.

"No.", said Malaysia.

"Well I guess you're going back to your parents with no complaints because you do have options", said Khalil.

"I'm not like that though. I'm not about ask him to do that knowing damn well I'm about to stop talking to him.", said Malaysia.

"You know you want that boy", said Khalil.

"And having to wonder whether or not he's a taget everyday? I think not", said Malaysia.

"All this stuff you're complaining about is stuff you already knew about before dating him. So what's different?", asked Khalil.

Malaysia didn't say anything.

"I don't want you to quit and move back with your parts and I know you don't want to either", said Khalil.

Malaysia let's out a sigh. "Why do you always have to be right?", asked Malaysia.

"Just talk to him. It's the least he can do. He was the one who killed them boys after you told him not to", said Khalil.

"I'll talk to him after I get off", said Malaysia. "I'm not going to ask him to help me pay rent at another apartment but if he offers then maybe. I just don't want him to hold that over my head."

"I understand that", said Khalil.

After work, Malaysia went to Steven's house. When she rang on the doorbell, she heard Steven's pit bull barking. She say pictures of him but never met him. The one time Malaysia came to his house, the dog was with Steven's mom.

After waiting for a while, Malaysia rang the door bell again. She started to walk to her car but Steven opened the door.

"What do you want?", asked Steven.

Malaysia stopped walking and turned around. He was shirtless. All he had was some shorts on.

"You gotta be like that?", she asked.

"You made it like that", said Steven.

"Bitch!", said a girl as she fell down. She was talking to the girl she was with. The both were coming from the back of Steven's house. "You tripped me up."

The other girl helped her up.

Steven rolled his eyes. He didn't want Malaysia to see them.

Malaysia looked at him.

"Was I interrupting? I mean like you didn't have to kick them out. I just came to apologize for doing you like that. I was just scared and I knew I was get kicked out so I was mad.", said Malaysia.

"Wait you got kicked out?", asked Steven.

"Yea. I have less than a month to find a new place", said Malaysia.

"Damn. I'm sorry", said Steven. "Anything I can do to help?"

Malaysia was quiet.

"Huh?", he said.

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