Chapter 18

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It's been a couple of weeks since Steven gave Malaysia those gifts. Her leg was feeling and healing a whole lot better. She didn't need to walk with crutches anymore. She still didn't tell her mom or dad about her getting shot and she decided to keep it that way.

Last week, she did go with Steven to his mom's funeral and he seem to okay with her death. When he went to the front to talk about her, he was smiling and laughing about memories with her.

Right now she's at a cookout that Terrell's mom put together. Terrell's mom and Malaysia's parents were good friends so of course they were invited.

Malaysia hugged Terrell's mom.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. You look pretty as ever", said Terrell's mom .

Malaysia pulled away smiled.

"Thank you Mrs. Washington", said Malaysia.

"College keeping you up late?", she asked as she looked at the bags under Malaysia's eyes.

Malaysia touched her bags.

"Yea. Work and school gets a little busy", said Malaysia.

"Get your sleep baby. Stress causes bad health and if you don't have good health how you expect to do the things you wanna do? Please get your sleep", said Terrell's mom.

Malaysia nods and smiles.

"I'm going to go check on the grill. Terrell's cooking and you know how that goes", said his mom.

Malaysia laughs.

Terrell's mom walks away.

Malaysia takes her phone out and pulls up her camera. She looks under her eyes.

"Shit, they do look bad", said Malaysia.

Malaysia hadn't been sleep as good because of her leg and because she couldn't get over the fact that she killed someone. She should be locked up or something and she couldn't believe she was off the hook just like that.

"Hey, cousin"

Malaysia looked to the side of her and saw one of Terrell's cousins, Serenity.

They both screamed in excitement as they hugged each other.

"How have you been?", asked Malaysia as she pulled away. "You look good. Gym?"

Serenity did a 360. "Dr. Miami girl", said Serenity.

"He did that", said Malaysia as she looked at serenity's body.

"Yea something you don't have have to worry about because it was in your genes. Me? I some from a family of cereal boxes", said Serenity's as they both looked at everybody around. "Just look at them."

"Hush", said Malaysia as she chuckled.

"So, who is everything with you? Can I model your clothes yet?", asked Serenity.

"I have like three more months left until I graduate but I think I'm going to go ahead and start the line soon", said Malaysia.

"Okay, just let me know", said Serenity.

"Alright", said Malaysia.

"I'm surprised Terrell ain't all in your face", said Serenity as they both looked at him.

Terrell was busy talking to his cousins.

"Why should he be?", asked Malaysia.

"Because that boy is crazy about you", said Serenity.

"Yea back in high school", said Malaysia. "I mean he did ask me out like three weeks ago but I told him no last week. I just wanna focus on my business and my mental health right now."

"I understand that", said Serenity. "That's what I'm doing. I'm going on this little journey where I find myself because sometimes I just don't feel like I know who I am, ya know."

"I'm starting to feel like that too", said Malaysia.

It was quiet between them for a moment.

Malaysia's phone started vibrating so she looked at it. Steven was calling her.

"I'm going to go use the restroom", said Malaysia.

"Alright", said Serenity.

Malaysia walked into the house and answered the phone.

"Steven please stop calling me okay? You're making it harder for yourself and you're making it harder for me", said Malaysia.

"Malaysia, I just wanna talk to you", said Steven. "Please"

"I'm sorry Steven but no. No, because you know how things will end up. We'll start talking and then our feelings grow even stronger and then next thing you know we're back together", said Malaysia.

"Why you gotta do this?", asked Steven.

"We both agreed to this! We both agreed on breaking up and why", said Malaysia. "You think I don't wanna talk to you? I do. But I am not trying to become a person I don't wanna be and I don't wanna be around the things you've gotten me into. Now please stop calling me"

Steven didn't say anything but he was still on the phone.

"I don't wanna hang up in your face Steven", said Malaysia.

"I love you", said Steven.

"Steven, please stop", said Malaysia as a tear fell from her eyes.

"I just need somebody right now. Please", said Steven.

Malaysia could hear the hurt in his voice. He sounded just like he did when he was crying about his mom.

"What's wrong?", asked Malaysia.

Steven was silent for a moment and then suddenly she heard a sniff.

"..I can't stop thinking about my mom. Today is her birthday", said Steven.

Malaysia looked down.

"I just wanna talk to you because I can open up to you and you know what to say", said Steven. "...maybe I'm also upset because I don't have two great women in my life right now but I ain't even gonna talk about me you because I know where we stand I just wanna talk about my mom."

"...can we talk in about an hour. I just got to this get together and I don't wanna be rude", said Malaysia.

"Yea..alright that's fine", said Steven.

"We can celebrate her birthday when I get there instead of you mopping around. So buy some thing to celebrate with. I think it's a good way to look at her death in a positive way", said Malaysia. "Just like at the funeral, you reminisced about happy memories and you felt good."

"..okay", said Steven. "Yea you're right"

"I know I am", said Malaysia with a smile.

Steven chuckled a little.

"See you in a hour", said Malaysia.

"See ya", said Steven.

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