Chapter 5

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So it's been a little over a month since Malaysia and Steven have been talking. Malaysia is actually starting to like Steven more than she thought.

Steven and Malaysia are currently in the car.

"Stop playing", said Steven after Malaysia dodged his kiss. "I think I've been a good boy."

"Yea and not my boyfriend. I don't know tell where your lips been", said Malaysia.

"You know where my lips been. On yours", he said as he leaned into her and started kissing.

Malaysia is kissing back.

Steven started kissing her neck.

Malaysia moaned a little.

"Damn you sound sexy", he whispered in her ear before continuing to kiss her neck.

At this point, with the deep voice in her ear and kissing, Malaysia was already getting wet.

They had already had before so when he said his lips had been on her's he wasn't referring to the ones on her face.

Malaysia started to feel on his belt buckle.

"Nah, not in here. I just got the seats cleaned in the Benz from the last time. How about we take this to my place or yours", he said.

Malaysia looked at him. "Before we's something I've been meaning to talk to you about", she said.

"Okay, what's up?", he asked.

"Well...we've been doing okay and we've been doing some things as if we were together but you never really asked the question. I mean if we're going to continue doing this...I need some security. I need to know if you wanna be together, a couple. I wanna know if you're serious about us", she said.

"Oh, I assumed we were together after we had sex. I've been calling you Bae ever since", he said.

"Yea but you've been calling my baby since you met me", said Malaysia. "And second, for things to be should ask me so we're both on the same page and there's no confusion."

"Oh well do you wanna be my girl?", he asked.

"You could've asked that a little better", she said.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

"You know what. Never mind. Yes I'll be your girlfriend", said Malaysia.

Steven's phone began vibrating. As he looked at the message he received, an annoyed facial expression run across his face.

"Damn", he said.

"What?", she asked.

"Nothing", he said before putting his phone in the open chubby.

A facial that she thought expressed that he was annoyed was actually disappointment mixed with sadness.

"Let's go to your house", he said before he started driving.

"Aren't you going to ask me how to get there?", she asked.

"I already know how to get there", he replied.

Malaysia raised her eyebrows.

"What?", he asked.

"You've never been to my house", she said.

"Oh shit. That's right", he mumbled.

Malaysia shook her head.

"What? I said I thought we were dating already. Last night you ain't text me back as fast as you usually do, so I was about to go up there but by the time I was almost there, you told me that you were with Khalil.", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at him crazy.

Steven glanced at he and then looked back at the road.

"What? You were texting back later than usual. I got paranoid", said Steven. "I thought something happened to you or something"

"Yea I guess that's a trait I didn't realize you'd have", said Malaysia.

"Yea well I gotta be paranoid to do what I do", he said.

Malaysia looked out of the window.

She was loving everything about Steven. They connected like nobody else's business. She just didn't like what he did as a job. It seemed like he could know anything and everything and that he could be having people watch her and she wouldn't even know. She felt like Steven gave her, her space, didn't seem jealous or controlling. She also felt like the moment she'd do something he didn't like, she'd see a whole different side of him.

Steven got a phone call and he decided to answer it.

"What's up?...Nah I don't give a fuck about all that shit. You got it or not?... bitch, play with my money and I play with your family. How about that?...yea that's what thought...", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at him.

Steven hung up the window. "Excuse me. I didn't know he was calling me on some bullshit", said Steven.

"His family though? I mean like they ain't do nothing right?", she asked.

"...just motivation", he said. "Look this is why I never answered those type of calls in front of you. You're going to start questioning what I say and my decisions. It's just how the game goes. Why you think I said I make sure mine is protected?"

"Yea but—"

"But it is what it is. I don't wanna hear no more", said Steven. His demeanor was starting to change.

Malaysia could tell he was getting upset so didn't say anything.

Steven began to have a mean mug as sat back and drove with one hand.

"You know I'm not used that so why are you getting upset. I just wanted to know", said Malaysia. "I'm sorry"

Steven didn't say anything.

" can just take me to my car. I'll find my own way home", she said.

Steven didn't say anything. He just kept driving.

"Do you— do you hear me?", she asked with hesitation. She didn't wanna keep talking and piss him off even more.

Steven was still silent.

She realized that he was going in the direction that her job. That was where her car was. Once he got there, he stopped behind her car.

Malaysia was about to get out but Steven stopped her. He grabbed her chin and pulled her face to him and started kissing her.

Malaysia pulled away and looked at him. She thought he was upset with her but now he was kissing her. She was confused. She was also a little sad that he raised his voice at her.

"I'm not mad at you. I just have a lot on my plate that I'm dealing with", he said. "I ain't mean to yell at you."

"You can talk to me. Right now you just seem like you have everything balled up", said Malaysia.

"Not right now", he said. "But I do need to go so I'll talk to you later"

"But we were just about to go to my house. Where do you need to go all of a sudden?", he asked.

"I forgot your car was at your job. It's not all of a sudden. I was going to drop you off after I got that text", he said.

"That text must be something big", she said.

"...yea", he replied. "Just text me when you get home."

"Okay", said Malaysia.

Malaysia got out of the car and got into her's. Steven drove off and eventually Malaysia left the parking lot too.  

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