Chapter 22

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After Malaysia and Khalil were done eating, Khalil took Malaysia back to his apartment so she could get in her car and meet Steven. After his outburst, she was really nervous. She knew that he'd be mad but she never saw him that mad.

When she got to his house he let her in.

"So I just wanna explain myself okay?", said Malaysia.

"It's nothing to explain. I don't wanna hear your explanation", said Steven.

"You should at least know why I did it", said Malaysia.

"I don't care why you did it. You did.", said Steven.

"Because of your fucking lifestyle. You think I want my baby to go through what I did or worst?", asked Malaysia.

"They won't", said Steven.

"You said the same about me", said Malaysia.

Steven shook his head as he looked to the side.

"You're still wrong for what the fuck you did", said Steven. "I had every right to know from the jump."

Malaysia began to rub her stomach.

Steven looked at her do it then back at her face.

"I'm sorry", she said.

"I don't care", he said.

"Okay. Why did I have to come then if you don't even wanna hear me out", said asked.

"Because we need to talk about what we're going to do. How we're going to co-parent, when's the due date, and all of the that.", said Steven. "I wanna be in his life as much as possible because I wanna do the things I didn't get the opportunity to experience growing up...having a dad to the least."

Malaysia looked down.

"And I want him to be better than me", said Steven. "I know my lifestyle isn't the best. You tell me, my mom told me that...but it's just what I do and it's who I am. Ain't no changing that for right now and I'm sorry...I hear where you coming from, I don't understand it and I don't accept it but I hear you, and that's just something I can't change right now, but I swear you...on my mom's grave...I will make sure that our son, her grandson is safe and that he won't grow up like me because I'm aware that I'm a disappointment but oh well... I had to do what I had to do to survive and I get money doing so whatever."

"You're not a disappointment", said Malaysia.

"You don't even want me Malaysia. I mean like not I'm glad I dodged a bullet because I see what type of female you really are", said Steven.

Malaysia let out a breath as if she was about to laugh but didn't. "Wow. Okay. Whatever, I don't care. Let's just talk about what it is that we need to talk about so I can go", she said.

"You fucked up, not me. Don't be mad at me", said Steven. "Now, I saw that you started your business. You need help with that or you good?"

"I'm good", said Malaysia.

"If you need help let me know", said Steven. "Now when's your next appointment?"

" week", she replied.

Steven rolled his eyes. "What tell me a lot.", he said sarcastically. "Day? Time?", he asked with attitude.

Malaysia began to feel some type of way. It kind of hurt her feelings that he was being rude toward her.

"Tuesday at 10am", said Malaysia. Her voice made it know that she wanted to cry but she didn't.

"Why you finna cry for?", he asked.

"I'm not", she said normally.

"Tuesday at 10am", Steven said mocking her.

Malaysia rolled her eyes as she looked away.

"What? Hurt your feelings because you're seeing another side of me?", asked Steven.

Malaysia just looked at him as a tear fell down her cheek but her facial expression made it seem like nothing was wrong with her.

"No you know how I feel right now", he said in a more calming tone of voice.

Malaysia looked down.

"I told you I was sorry. I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry!", she said.

Steven didn't say anything.

"Do you have anything else you wanna talk about?", asked Malaysia. "Because I don't need to be talked to like this. I know what I did was wrong. I get it. I learned my lesson. What's next so I can leave?"

"...come sit next to me", said Steven.

Malaysia stood up and sat next to him on the couch.

Steven put his arm around her.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you. I honestly didn't even know you were that sensitive", said Steven.

Malaysia looks away.

Steven moved her face for her to look at him.

"I'm sorry, but I just wanted you to know how I'm feeling. I am pissed.", said Steven. "The only reason why I feel sorry for acting like that toward you is because I love you."

Malaysia started crying.

Steven hugged her.

"I- I love you too. I never stopped thinking about you...I'm sorry for what I did", said Malaysia.

Steven hugged her tighter.

"I was just so scared", she said.

Steven kissed her forehead.

"Because you tried to do it alone when really we need to do this as a team no matter the circumstances", he said.

Malaysia pulls away and looks at him.

"I feel awful", she said. "I really do"

Steven nods.

"I'll forgive you at some point. Just not right now", he said.

Malaysia nods as she wiped her tears.

"But um..let's continue the conversation", he said.

They continued to talk about their plans with the baby and how she should stay with him or he stay with her when it's close to the due date. After their conversation, Malaysia was getting ready to leave.

"...I guess we have everything all figured out as of now...I know things might change as we go along the way. But he'll just be missing one thing", said Malaysia.

"What?", asked Steven.

"His parents together. Loving each other and showing him what love is about. Instead, he'll have to go from house to house. Maybe have a stepdad or—"

"Hey let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Don't know about that stepdad thing just yet", said Steven as he put his hand on her rearview mirror.

Malaysia started laughing.

Steven looked at the mirror.

"You expect me to be single forever? You're not going to change right?", asked Malaysia.

Steven didn't say anything as he looked at her.

"See", said Malaysia. 

"...I guess it's just one of things where you meet the right person at the wrong time", said Steven.

Malaysia nods.

"Goodnight, Malaysia", said Steven.

"Goodnight", said Malaysia.

Malaysia got into her car and drove off.

Steven pulled his phone out and walked into the house.

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