Chapter 6

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"Girl I just can't believe you're dating him", said Khalil. "I didn't think you had it in you."

"I don't...but he's nice. I mean like I don't know how he acts around other people but he's nice to me. Talking to him, you wouldn't think he does what he does", said Malaysia. "But looking at him, you'd have your suspicions."

"He drive around with a gun every he go?", asked Khalil.

"Yea. When we had sex, he had one of his hands on it the whole time", said Malaysia.

"Damn", said Khalil.

"Yea", said Malaysia.

"I wanna live on the wild side for a change", said Khalil.

"Honestly with him everything feels normal. It's like he does things to make me feel safe and secure. He doesn't feel like I'm dating a drug dealer but I know I am if that makes sense.", she said.

"Oh so you don't hold his gun or go with him while he runs his errands?", he asked.

"No. He keeps all of that out of view. He didn't even think I realized the gun but I did. I think it's because he knows I don't like violence like that and he wants to make me feel more comfortable", she said.

"Aww that's cute. If I get a hood nigga, we gonna do hood shit", said Khalil.

Malaysia laughs.

"So he must have the good shit. Y'all be smoking?", asked Khalil.

"Khalil, you being nosey. I said enough already", said Malaysia.

"Boo, you stink", said Khalil.

"You want something to drink?", she asked.

"Nah, I'm well hydrated", said Khalil.

"I was talking about alcohol", said Malaysia.

"Oh. Yea", said Khalil.

Malaysia went to her refrigerator. Once she opened the fridge, she saw that her bottle was missing.

"What in the hell?", Malaysia said you herself.

"What?", asked Khalil.

"I had a bottle in here and now it's gone", said Malaysia.

Suddenly, they hear a toilet flush. It sounds like it was coming from her bedroom.

"Oh hell no", whispered Khalil. "Somebody's in here. Girl you ain't lock yo door?"

"I did. It was locked", said Malaysia.

"Apparently it wasn't because somebody is in here", said Khalil.

"How about—

Malaysia gets a text message.

💬Steven💙: y'all doing all that talking. Y'all would've been dead by now if it wasn't me back here... come in the room. I need to talk to you alone.

Malaysia read the message.

"Thank God", she said with relief.

"What?", Khalil asked.

"It's Steven", said Malaysia.

"Oh you gave him a key?", asked Khalil.

"No.. I- I didn't", she said as she made a face. "You know what Khalil I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta have a talk with him real quick."

"Okay", Khalil said. "Call him if you need me"

"Will do", said Malaysia.

Khalil left and Malaysia locked the door.

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