46. Your Presence in his life

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The last candlestick which was brightening the room came to its end as the wax melted to its last and you both fell into beautiful dream merging into each other.
What more anyone could ask for when his whole world is in his arms. He have waited for more than four years to have you fully completely into him and now you both could sleep peacefully. There was not those bad horrible nightmares haunting you and there was no pain in taehyung's heart that make him wake-up whole night.

You have lived in this town only with pain, dark deep scars, wrong people. Not a single day you have spend here, where you were happy. This town has only given you pain and hurt other than those innocent child and rose, you didn't have a happy memory. You hated this town and your mind always wanted to run as far as possible. You were physically always present there but never mentally but today it was different. Those vivid light replacing those pain with happy memory. This room where Jackson has did the most cruelest things with you, this bed.. you hate everything but today was different.

Those tears, pain, abundance everything started fading from the time Taehyung came back in your life. You came in this town with nervousness inside but would definitely leaving with a bright memory that you have spent with taehyung. How he makes you circled all around the room when he danced holding you closer to him as if he wanted to erase all those bad memories that was present there.

He was trying his best to take all your pain and traumas away from you.

Love is all needed to heal the darkest deepest wound. Who know the girl who used to cry whole night curling up in now sleeping so peacefully in the love of his arms. The pain gone the monster was still roaming outside to hurt you but now you have Taehyung and he would not let a single shadow to hurt you.

All neutral and real, his feelings was when he confessed how much he still love you and how much you still mean to him. The world, the universe might falling apart and he will still hang up to you, telling how much he loved you, every piece of you that you have forgotten to admire and loved.

A piece of you might be broken but you were still a whole body and that broken piece still belongs to you and there was the person who was sleeping holding you so tight dying to keep you whole with your broken piece and was doing every possible things to heal you.

You have never expected this, him telling, he still love you and you desperately not wanting to let him go.

You both didn't want each other body or anything else but wanted each other presence in life.

You might sit in silence and he will sat next to you sharing your silence. You might feel sad next day and he will hug you until you feel safe and alive again. It's never about him it's always about you in his world. Your Presence and happiness was all he wanted.

And sometimes you think if you could have not hide the truth from Taehyung and had courage to tell him from the very first. You both didn't have suffer this much.

But there was still time. You should tell him, you have to tell him, you have to come stronger than ever to go against everyone who have only hurted you. He should know there was a piece of him growing inside you which vanished and with that, you also mentally died that day.

It was him who again make you feel alive. How can you hide it. let prepare for his outcome. He might hate you, might leave you, those fears always pumped your heart. You wanted him, his love, and you know you are being selfish for this. But one day you have to tell him the truth. You couldn't live carrying a burden inside of you of not telling him the truth when he has all the rights to know, when he loved you, trust you more than anything. You wanted to build up this relationship on trust. No hiding of emotions, if the outcome would be worst you were ready to take it.

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