53. Still with you

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After leaving the company, Taehyung took you on a walk, like a normal being. No bodyguards surrounding you, just you and him walking on the roadside holding each other hand like love birds. There was nothing more romantic than holding the person hand you love the most. His mask and sunglasses were on, so nobody could identify him.

Passing through few street, Taehyung took you to a beautiful alley. Your face lighten up seeing all the flowers shops, book shops, cafe with vintage theme and gift shops. it was so beautiful. Your eyes bright with excitement.

You dragged Taehyung to the flower shop and started picking up different colour and species of flower to make a bouquet for him.

"This one?" you asked holding a pink tulip, Taehyung simply nodded at you, smiling under his mask and your eyes wandered at his body, So perfect even standing doing nothing.

You smiled back, Your happiness was on peak. You kept on asking him which one to add more in the bouquet to make it look best.

The old lady who was selling the flowers was also smiling looking at you and Taehyung. Its a different kind of pleasure to see people doing little things for their love ones. She has witnessed so many couples coming everyday to her shop to buy flower for their love ones. She looked at you as you were confused searching for the one last flower to complete the bouquet. She took a white rose which symbolize loyalty, purity, eternal love and a new start. She extended her hand to you. You heart fully took the rose from her hand.

Finally satisfied with what you were holding in your hand, you flashed a grin at taehyung "For you"

"Thank you so much" Taehyung said softly taking the bouquet from your hand.

"Did you like it!?" you asked holding the bouquet Infront of him. Taehyung bend a little inhaling the scent of fresh flowers. "I loved it" grinning, you showed your teeth. Taehyung was so happy and relaxed, there was something so delight in your smile that heal him from inside, that makes him so happy that he wants nothing more, Just you, smiling in every frame he gaze at you.

You both explored the book store, went inside the cafe to have cold coffee and had brunch then again walked on the alley capturing beautiful scenery in your eyes.

You knew it, Taehyung had this habit of taking your random photos whenever he saw a place with a good background and this had not change at all. Now, his gallery must have filled with thousand of your photos as he has not stopped capturing you and again you were standing holding the flower bouquet Infront of a water foundation that was surrounded by red roses as he was all ready to capture you again in his phone "little left" Taehyung instructed gesturing with his hand. You shifted left "fine?" You asked, Taehyung nodded bending on his knee holding the phone up "Now, show your teeth" and you automatically did.

The one and only heir of Kim's, one of the most successful businessman of Asia, the most handsome man in the world on which girls were head over heels was bending on his knee to take a photo of yours.

Taehyung walked to you looking at the visual he just captured. "You look so beautiful in every angle" he said showing you your picture. "The background is good, I am looking ugly" you said shrugging off "The background is shining because of you" you bite your lower lips hiding your smile. "Let it be out, you look beautiful, smiling" and a huge laugh left your mouth.

It was so simple and normal, holding each other hand walking through the way and roadside, buying flower, taking photos whenever found a beautiful background. It was so simple yet most precious to you.

Keeping the alley and its beauty in memory, Taehyung took you the next destination that was not so far from the alley.

But as you came in the contact with the street you saw hundreds of people walking in the same direction where Taehyung was taking you. The crowded place make you snuggle more in Taehyung arms. Keeping his hand around your waist Taehyung kept you safe.

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