Chapter 1 - Introductions and Transformations

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('The Shapeshifter' is based on the 'Harry Potter' books by JK Rowling, all characters, setting, and magical creations belong to her.)

Chapter One

I stared at the gleaming red train, which would take me to Hogwarts. I cannot believe that I can finally say that. I Beatrix Winters is now a student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have always wanted to be a student here, but was never able here due to the training that I need for my ancient magical gifts. But now since that is somewhat under control I am able to be apart of the school I have always wanted to go to since I was a little girl. 

I anxiously stepped onto the train, with my owl Lux, who is a great horned owl. I carefully walked along the isle of the train, trying not to bump into any first, or second years. Finally I found an empty cabin, placed Lux on the ground and sat down on the plush cushion. 

This train ride was taking forever. We must’ve been on the train for about 3 hours when a boy with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes stumbled in. 

“Oh. Um-sorry, my friend, um, just pushed me,” He said with his hand behind his neck. 

“Oh, it’s fine.” I said sheepishly. All other words are escaping my lips.

“Are you new around here? Cause I don’t think that I’ve seen you before.” The boy with the blue eyes said. He casually sat down, staring at me for a response, before smirking.

“Ahh, yeah. I’m new, not from around here at all!” I said, slightly blurting it all out at once. I’m being so foolish!

The boy chuckled, “I’m Draco, Draco Malfoy. You are?” 

“ Sorry, i’m Beatrix, Winters.” I smiled. Finally, i’m not making a complete fool of myself! “Yeah, i’m from Iceland actually.”

“Wow-I’ve never been there, but i’ve heard it’s spectacular. What school did you go to?” He asked. What was I going to say? I trained with my own people, I didn’t go to a fancy academy like Hogwarts. Thankfully a loud bang sounded off, and the train suddenly stopped. People were screaming from all over. 

“What the heck-” Started Draco, but he didn’t get a chance to stop because a long creepy looking dark hand started to slide the door open. What in the world are dementors doing here? They’re searching for someone I bet, and I know just who they’re looking for. Me. 

I looked at Draco with wide eyes, and he mirrored me. The door was sliding open ever further, I grabbed my wand as quick as I could. 

“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” I yelled. Suddenly a white tiger burst from my wand, chasing all the dementors away. I didn’t stop with that one though. I continued the patronus until all of the dementors that were on the train were gone.

I looked to Draco breathing heavily, he stared at me in amazement. 

“I-uh. I’m sorry. I really have to go.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond. I ran out of the compartment as fast as a could. The train was still stopped, so I ran off the train despite all the yells that were telling me not to. They didn’t know anything about me though, they didn’t know what I could do. I walked into the surrounding field, and laid down. Soon enough the train came to life again, and started chugging its way by. As moved along the track I could just make out a boy with platinum blonde hair, and deep blue eyes staring at me. 

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