Chapter 22 - The Adventures of Second and Third Years

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Chapter 22 - The Adventures of Second and Third Years

This cannot be happening - I mean how can events happen twice? I tell this to Hermione and she just nods slowly. Staring off into space. 

Everybody ran back up to the castle and the Gryffindor common room, shaking and spitting out theories of how the Weasley flying blue car could be there. 

“I mean I guess it could still be there from second year?” Ron convinces himself. We all just shake our heads.

“No Ron, it’s impossible. That car got destroyed by the hundreds of spiders. And I don’t think they wound it up into their web.” Harry denies. We all sit around the suddenly chilly fire. Nobody quite ready to turn in for the night, partly because it we were all zoned out, but mostly because nobody wanted to go up to their dark room alone. 

“I still don’t get how this could be happening…” Hermione says slowly. Pronouncing every syllable carefully. “I mean, is this a spell? It cannot be a coincidence. But if it were a spell… I have to go to the library.” Hermione starts to get up.

“No, ‘Mione.” Ginny interrupts. Grabbing her friend by the arm and settling her down on the couch. “Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. We all need to take a deep breath and try to calm ourselves down.” 

“Calm ourselves down? We’ve been through hell these past years, do you really think that the idea of reliving it all will make us calm?!” Ron yells. His face turning a similar red to his hair. 

“Okay, but the second time is bound to be easier though right?” Ginny adds. Trying to console her brother.

“Yeah, it’ll all be okay guys.” I add, supporting Ginny in her quest to calm. “So let’s think about this. What else happened to you throughout your years at Hogwarts and how did you solve it?” 

“Well,” starts Harry, “After the spiders and the car in our second year, there was also Tom Riddle coming back to life and the basilisk stalking around Hogwarts.”

“That was solved by Harry - stabbing the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor and killing Tom Riddle with a basilisk tooth.” Ginny adds.

“Okay,” I say. “I’m just going to write some of this down.” I grab a spare swatch of parchment and reach for a stray quill thats been on the table since I came to Hogwarts.

“So basilisk - sword of Gryffindor, spirit of Tom Riddle - basilisk tooth.” I repeat. They all just nod. “Man, and that’s just in your second year?” I finally get a giggle out of Ginny, and a smile out of ‘Mione and Harry. Ron is still as cold as a statue. 

“Let’s hope that third wasn’t as bad?” I say. Harry continues. 

“Well, there were the dementors and that’s about it really. Excluding the paranoia and taboo around Sirius.” 

“Well that’s at least only one more thing we have to watch out fo-“ I stop dead in my tracks. Dementor. Dementor. One’s already taken a visit. 

“I think we have to dementors already.” I say as slowly as I possibly can. Feeling the weight of each word falling out of my mouth. 

“What do you mean? We haven’t seen any this year. Dumbledore wouldn’t let it stand.” Hermione confirms. 

“Well, I saw one on the train. I was in the last car, and it came out of nowhere.” I recall. 

‘What in the world are dementors doing here? They’re searching for someone I bet, and I know just who they’re looking for. Me.’

Why have I forgotten such a vital piece of information? And how could I let myself be so careless towards my own safety?

“By why would dementors be back at Hogwarts? The last time they were here was because they were looking for a ‘prisoner from Azkaban’, who could they be searching for now?” Ginny questions. 

I just keep a blank look on my face. One that’s even rivalling Ron’s. 

“I don’t know. But let’s continue this conversation later. It’s too much for one night.” Hermione says. We all agree. I’m exhausted.

“C’mon Ron.” Harry says gently guiding his friend up to the boys dormitory. 

“Well at least we’ve got our homework done.” I say. My last attempt to cheer up the mood. And it stinks. 

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