Chapter 10 - Girl Talk and Food

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Chapter 10 - Girl Talk and Food (Beatrix’s P.O.V.)

Fred, and George help me up to the common room. Now, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I are all sitting in front of the blazing fire, talking. It’s nice to have such a simple day, after such a dramatic one. 

I still can’t believe what I saw during that Quidditch match. Draco was snogging another girl. Then Pansy’s comment... I shouldn’t have let it effect me like that, but it’s hard! I thought he really liked me! I thought that what we had was special... Then again we only went out on one date! Bit we kissed! Urg...

“Bea, you okay?” Ron asks, whoops I guess I kind of tuned out of their conversation. Looking at all of them, I reply.

“Yeah, fine thanks.” I reply. They seem to all buy it, except Fred, who just frowns at me with a worried expression. 

“So, have you talked to Draco since the Pansy incident?” Hermione says casually. This makes me stiffen, my eyes watering I can’t stand hiding it anymore.

I get up and run up to the girls dormitory.

“Bea, wait!” I hear Hermione yell, following me up the stairs into our room. “What’s the matter? Why are you upset?” She asks, genuinely looking at me with worry. I’ve really gotten sick of that expression, because that’s always how people look at me now since the Quidditch game.

“No-o,” I muster out, tears dripping from my face. “D-during the game, I-I saw D-D-Draco, kissing another g-girl.” I quickly say the last part trying not to get too upset.. But it doesn’t work. Now i’m drenched in tears, my eyes red and puffy.

“Oh, Bea! No wonder you fell! Come here! He’s just a filthy twerp! He doesn’t deserve you!” She comforts, pulling me in for a hug. 

“Could I just be alone for a bit?” I ask. Hermione nods and heads down to the common room. Probably about to tell everyone else why i’m so upset. 

I lie down, and wrap myself in the warm blankets which cover my bed, crying into my pillow. Hurting all over I slowly drift to sleep.

Hermione P.O.V.

I can’t believe that Malfoy would do that to such an innocent girl! Well actually I can! I guess his reputation is correct. I slowing wade downstairs, to see Fred, George, Harry and Ron run up to me.

“What’s the matter?”

“Is she okay?” 

“Why’s she crying?”

“Is she going to come down?”

“Shush everyone! I’ll tell you everything if you just be quiet! I yell to everyone. I make my way to the sofa and sit down. Taking a deep breath in I begin.

“Basically, during the Quidditch game, she saw Malfoy snogging another girl, that distracted her, while Pansy threw her off her broom.” I swallow. It sounds terrible coming out of my mouth. 


“Fred calm down!” George yells, grabbing his brother before he can do anything stupid.

“Poor Bea, I knew Malfoy was a git, but I never thought he’d do something like this!” Harry exclaims, pacing across the common rooms. 

“Yeah, so what are we going to do?” Ron asks, looking around at everyone.

“What do you mean ‘what are we going to do?’” I ask Ron, what can we do? And it’s not even our business in the first place.

“We can’t let Malfoy get away with this!” Harry says. I just nod, I don’t want anyone to get hurt though, not that we all know that Malfoy isn’t one to play fair.”


“FRED! CALM DOWN!!” George yells back at his fuming twin. Still holding his arms back. 

“Fred, we all want to get Malfoy back, but I think that we should just leave it to Bea, it’s not our business.” I reply. Harry agrees with me.

“Yeah, I don’t think that Bea would want you to get into a fight with Malfoy, even if he does deserve to get his face punched in!” Harry says, tensing his hands into fists.

By now everyone’s fuming. We’re all yelling at each other. Suddenly everyone stops, and I turn to see a red eyed Beatrix standing by the stairs staring at us.

“Hey Bea.” Harry says gently, walking over and giving her a hug. Everyone joins in and we’re all in a large group hug. 

“Thanks guys,” Bea sniffles. We all let go, and start walking towards the portrait hole. 

“Come on. Lets go eat! I’m starving!” Ron whines, this boy is always hungry! We all just nod, and follow Ron down to the great hall. 

Beatrix’s P.O.V

We all enter the great hall, and sit at the end of the Gryffindor table. Of course I see Draco, sitting at the Slytherin table. Uh, I wish I could stop thinking about him! But I can’t! And it doesn’t help that he’s sitting 20 feet away from me. 

Suddenly he catches my gaze, and looks back. Shit, now he’s standing up, and coming closer. 

“Don’t look now be.” Hermione warms, I feel Fred, who’s sitting beside me tense up.

“Hey babe,” Draco starts. Hermione stands at the other side of the table. Then there’s me, keeping my head down, trying to hide away from everything.

“Get away from her you sniveling weasel.” Hermione bursts. Malfoy, takes a step back looking confused. 

Beside me Fred stands. “Just leave her alone, and don’t ever talk to any of us again you cheating arse!” Fred yells, just before swinging his arm back and punching Malfoy straight in the face! Of course now Malfoy clues in, and runs away with his goons chasing behind him.

“That felt good.” Fred says, sitting back down beside me. He gently puts his arm around me, and I lean into his shoulder. 

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