Chapter 17 - Gah. Boys...

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Chapter 17 - Gah. Boys...

“Bea wake up!! This is an important practice!! WAKE UP!!” I roll over in bed, and whack whoever’s yelling in my ear with my pillow. “Ouch..” They mumble.

“Leave, sleeeeep.” I groan, rolling back over, and sticking my head under the blankets.  

“That’s it.” I hear faintly. A moment later, cold air gushes all over me. Someone had pulled off my blankets.

“Hey! I was sleeping!” I say, completely awake now.

“Yeah, well you can thank me later!” Laughs Ginny, whacking me back with my pillow. “This is the last Quidditch practice before the game against Ravenclaw tomorrow!” She says.

“Ugh, why do I always forget about the important practices?” I ask, finally sitting up, and pulling my Quidditch uniform over my head.

“Yeah, quit complaining and hurry up, I don’t want Harry to be mad at us.” Ginny exclaims, hurrying me along.

I quickly pull my long blonde hair back into a ponytail. “Right cause Harry will be so mad at you!” I joke. Everyone knows that Harry likes Ginny, and Ginny likes Harry, except for Harry and Ginny. 

“Oh shut up! C’mon...” Ginny says, giving up and heading down to the common room.  I follow her laughing grabbing my broom on the way out of the dorm.

We head down to the Quidditch Pitch with less then 2 minutes to spare. Harry strides over to us. 

“Really?” He asks us. He just looks at me, because of course i’m to blame.

“Hey! I was sleepy!” I say innocently, batting my eyelashes at him. He just smiles and shakes his head.

“Just start warming up.” He replies. Walking back to the centre of the pitch. Ginny smiles at me and we follow him to the middle of the pitch. We mount our brooms and fly up to where the rest of the team is hovering in a circle passing the quaffle. 

“Fred’s staring at you.” Ginny whispers, flying over to me. “What’s going on between you two anyways?” 

I shake my head. “I don’t even know. Every since Christmas.” Sadness wells up in me. What did happen to us? We used to be close.. We were almost dating! I thought that he really liked me.

“Well, I think that he still feels the same as he did, you should talk to him.” Ginny says, clearing detecting my sadness, and confusion.

“How do you know?” I ask, how would she know how he feels? Why should I talk to him? 

“He is my brother. I can tell! I’ve lived with him for almost 16 years! He likes you Bea! I think he’s just to shy, and too much of a git to talk to you. He probably thinks that you don’t like him anymore either.” She says. That does make sense..

“I guess I will...” I say, making Ginny smile. 

“Good, cause it would be really cool to have you as a sister-in-law.” She exclaims. 

I laugh and hit her in the shoulder. “Getting a little ahead aren’t we?” I laugh. 

“We’ll see, just promise that I can be your Maid of Honor?” She says hopefully.

“Course.” I smile back. Would me and Fred get married some day? Seems like a slim chance seeing as we haven’t even talked for a month now.. A month and 9 days exactly actually. 

“Are you girls ready to start or do you want to keep chatting away?” Harry asks all captain-y.

“Ya, ya.” I reply, stealing the quaffle from my dear friend Ronald, and passing it to Ginny.

We started doing some flying drills, passing drills, and lots of other drills that would help us win against Ravenclaw.

“Hey Bea!” George yells, waving me down from the other side of the pitch. I fly over to him quickly. 

“Hey, I haven’t talked to you in forever!” I say, leaning to one side of my broom and giving him a lopsided hug.

He chuckles. “Yeah, sorry about that, it was-”

“Let me guess,” I interrupt him. “Fred.” 

“Yeah, anyways, he wanted me to tell you that you should meet him by the the birch tree near the lake, ASAP.” George says nonchalantly. 

I roll my eyes. “Okay, okay...” I descend and my feet are soon back on the ground. I turn around, and look up at George. 

“Hey! George!” 


“Thanks.” I smile. He nods, and finishes catching the remaining quaffle. I slowly walk to the end of the pitch heading towards the tree near the lake; and towards Fred.

I start walking down the path, towards the lake when a certain blonde haired boy runs up to me. 

“Hey Bea...” Draco says awkwardly behind me. I slowly turn around. 

“Really?” I ask. Getting annoyed. The sun’s setting and I still have to talk to Fred.

“What?” He asks, sounding slightly offended. “Where are you going?” 

“None, of you’re business! Honestly, you gave up that right when I saw you kissing another girl during the Quidditch Match!” I yell at him, tears filling up my eyes, making the scene around me blurry. I turn away from him, not able to look at him for one more second.

“Wait, I’m sorry... Really.” He says, grabbing my arm. I just stare down at the ground, my blonde hair falling around my face. 

Suddenly a cold hand is lifting my head up from under my chin.

“I really am...” Before I can say on more thing, Draco wraps his long arms around me. I immediately try to pull away, but he doesn’t let go. Finally giving in, I sink into his chilly hug. 

“I have to go now.” I mumble quietly, gently pulling away. He gives me a sad look, and lets go. 

“See you around.” He says quietly back, and with one last longing glance, he turns and walks back to the castle, in the fading sunlight. 

Gah. Boys.


Author's Note:

Hey Guys!

So sorry I haven't posted in forever, I've been really busy, and had a bit of writers block! But from now on, I think I know where the story will go, and I will be poting a lot more frequently!

If YOU have any ideas for 'the shapeshifter' please let me know, because I would really like to hear them, and it would help the story progress much better! 

Thank you so much for all these reads!


So, do you think Bea will go for Draco or Fred?

Anyways ta ta for now!


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