Chapter 15 - 'Dark Omens and Dreams'

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Chapter 15 - ‘Dark Omens and Dreams’

“Thanks Harry,” I said again as we walked back to The Burrow in the frosty Christmas air.

“Welcome,” He replied. We walked back, finally stepping through the door to the living room. 

“So what were you and Harry talking about?” Hermione asked. 

“Oh, nothing. Just stuff.” Hermione gave me a ‘i know you’re lying’ look. 

“I’m serious!” I say as we walk back up to our rooms, with Ginny just behind us.

“Must’ve been important because while you were talking to Harry, Fred looked like he was about to blow a fuse!” Ginny exclaimed as we all sat on her bed. 

“Why? I was just talking to Harry.” I say.

“Yeah, about what again?” Hermione asks, urg I give in.

“I had this really weird dream, and I just wanted to get his thoughts on it, that’s all.” I say truthfully.

“A dream?” Ginny asks.

“Yeah, a really weird one, anyways why was Fred so upset?” I ask, looking at Hermione and Ginny for answers.

“Probably because he likes you, and you were out walking and talking and laughing with Harry! And he’s not sure how you feel about him, (because let’s face it, boys are clueless!) and you were out talking privately with Harry! And he probably doesn’t want you to do that cause once again he likes you, but hasn’t plucked up the guts to ask you out! Therefore, he doesn’t want to loose you, until he can gain the courage to ask you out, and you can become his!” Hermione says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“But?- I don’t get boys...” I state. 

Ginny looks over at me. “Yeah, don’t we all.” 

The following week was spent full of days lounging around by the fire, laughing, talking and eating sweets. Fred was still a little odd, due to the whole ‘talking with Harry’ thing... The week went by fast and soon enough we were all back at Hogwarts, writing essays for Snape, and practicing Charms for Professor Flitwick.

“I. Hate. Snape.” Ron says, scratching out a rough essay about ‘the habits of Inferi and how to tell them apart’.

“Yeah, and a gruesome topic too! Who would use dead bodies? That’s disgusting!” Ginny says, looking over Ron’s shoulder. 

“Apparently they were used a lot last time Voldemort was in power, they were running terror all over the place.” Harry mumbles, still scratching at his parchment, with his black quill.

“Well hopefully that doesn’t happen again.” I say quietly. Slowly finishing my essay, (having done a little more then needed...) I get up from the sofa and head to the portrait hole.

“Where are you going?” Hermione asks.

“To the library... I need to check out a book..” I say. I want to see if theres any books about strange dreams, or omens. I guess I could ask Professor Trelawney, but she’ll probably go on about how i’m in ‘grave danger’ and I should be ‘very careful of strangers’ or the color red..

“I think i’ll go with you, I still don’t get a couple of things about Inferi..” Hermione says, looking like she was deep in thought. 

“Okay, c’mon I want to get back before curfew, the last thing I need right now is detentions with Filch!”

We quickly scurry to the library, open the door, and hurry inside. Hermione immediately starts walking off down one of the tall isles, gazing at all the books. I’m surprised that there are still books in this library that she hasn’t read yet! Still needing to find my book, I start looking through an isle of books about the Dark Arts. 

Not this one, or this one, nope, no- I stop immediately in my tracks. Looking through the grate, into the ‘restricted section’ I see exactly what i’m looking for. ‘Dark Omens and Dreams’ by Villipeon Durke. Why would a book like that be in the restricted section? It doesn’t look nearly as bad as the book beside it! ‘Torturous Curses and Hexes’ by Frezander Duse, a book that looks at least 100 years old, and has a picture of screaming people on the cover.

“Are you ready?” A voice rings out, making me jump, bumping into a chair, and early a ‘hush!’ from the Librarian.

“Yeah.. Hey Hermione?” I ask, looking around, she comes out carrying a stack of books, which totters dangerously above her head. “Could you keep lookout for me, I just quickly want to get a book.” 

“Yeah.” She says, looking confused.

“Just tell me when Mme. Prince (the Librarian) is coming.” Hermione nods, and walks over to the door. Thankfully Mme. Prince left a moment before. 

I walk quickly over her desk and get the key that unlocks the door to the restricted section. Grabbing an old brass key, I run and shove it in the even older lock. And with a click i’m in!

Walking quietly over to the book I was eyeing, I grab it, and run back to the main library. Shutting and locking the restricted section door after me. Just as Mme. Prince strides in the door, (Hermione gave me an urgent whistle) I tossed the keys back onto her desk, and hid the old book behind me.

“Girls,” Mme. Prince says sternly. Just as I thought we’d gotten away with it... “Head up to your dorms. It’s late.” And with that, she turns and heads back to her office to sort out books with a flick of her wand.

“Merlin’s Beard that was close!” Hermione says. I nod, still shaken up about almost getting caught.

“Did you get the book?” Hermione continues. 

“Yeah,” I say showing her the cover of ‘Dark Omens and Dreams’.

“Wow,” her face contorts into one of curiosity. “I wonder why that book would be in the restricted section? I mean it doesn’t look too bad!” She says. Gazing at the book.

“That’s what I was wondering... Well, I guess we’re going to find out.”

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