Chapter 2 - Gryffindor Surprises

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Chapter 2

I laid in the green field with the blue flowers, for a while. I can’t believe I just left the train, which had my owl Lux and my luggage on it! It just goes to show how bad I am when it comes to thinking quickly. But I did fend off all the dementors all by myself. I smiled thinking these thoughts. Well I guess I should be off now. I gazed down at my black jeans, and Doc Martens, soon twisted around, and with a loud crack, I turned into an eagle, now looking down I see a pair of birds feet. I sigh. Might as well start this journey. What a great first day this is. I took off, my eagle form flapping it’s wings easily.

Soon enough I got to the castle. The sun was starting to set. Great people were probably eating dinner, and I would have to walk in. All eyes on me. Great. I flew past the gates of Hogwarts, and up to the main doors. What should I do now? I just pushed the doors open and walked in. My jaw drops. This castle is amazing! I walk in and someone grabs my arm.

“HEY!” I yell. What are they doing?

“What do you think you’re doing? Trying to sneak in? Not on my watch!” I turn around, and catch a glimpse of the man holding me hostage. He was a bald old man, with a cat on his shoulder. And ew, he smells like old cheese, and B.O.

“Could you just let me go! I am a student here, I just missed the train!” 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say!” He drags me across the hall, and towards the great hall. Thankfully Dumbledore is standing outside, so I didn’t have to go in, with this B.O. cat man dragging me. 

“I found this young lady entering the castle.” He mumbles.

“Ah yes, Miss Winters, we have been expecting you. I heard that you had a little trouble on the train?” Professor Dumbledore asks.

“Yeah just a little.” I reply. He simply nods, and smiles. 

“Mr. Filch will you please let go of Miss Winters, she is to go into the Great Hall and sit at the Gryffindor table.” He says the last bit looking at me. I just nod my head, and smile thankfully. 

“Off you go. We do have to have a chat soon about your timetable, and about your unique magical abilities.” 

“Yes, Professor, and thank you.” I smile back to him. I quickly walk down to the main doors of the great hall. Taking a deep breath in, I push them open. Everybody at the fours tables barely notice, thankfully, and I quickly go to sit at the Gryffindor table.

“Hello!” Muses a girl with wild brunette hair. “I’m Hermione Granger, you must be new! This is Ron Weasley, and his brothers Fred, and George, and Harry Potter.” She gestures to the three red headed boys seated in front of us, and a boy with green eyes, glasses, and a mop of brown hair. 

“Hello,” I wave trying to be friendly, and not awkward! “Yeah, I am new, i’m Beatrix Winters.” I reply.

“And where are you from Beatrix Winters?” Asks a wide eyed Fred. 

“Iceland, near the Hanük forests. Have you heard of it?” 

“Have we heard of it? I’ve been reading about that very forest!” Exclaims Hermione, “There are some of the most magical beasts, witches, and objects in those forests! Not to mention, Iceland is the most gorgeous place, and home to 20 different types of Knuk Nypes!”

“Wow, you know more about Iceland then I do!” I joke, all the boys laugh. 

“Did you not take the train? We didn’t see you! And you can you believe that dementors came in again! I wonder why!” Exclaims Ron all while stuffing his face with anything he can get his hands on.

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