Chapter 16 - Dark Omens and Dreams, Oh My!

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Chapter 16 - Dark Omens and Dreams, Oh My! 

Hermione and I walk as fast as we can back up to the Gryffindor common room. Climbing through the port hole, having given the password ‘gillyweed’ to the fat lady, we flop down of the sofa and start to flip through the old battered book of ‘Dark Omens and Dreams’. 

We flip through the first chapter ‘What is an Omen’ and quickly read what Villipeon Durke has to say.


‘Omens are believed to be messages that can foretell the future, if perceived correctly. Be aware, that if you see a dark omen, your life may be in danger. Dark omens are mysterious creatures, or objects that reappear in everyday events. 

‘If you are seeing omens, I suggest to visit a recognized seer.’’

“Well,” Starts Hermione, “i don’t think that you’re dream is an omen, because you haven’t been seeing any more clues since Christmas.”

That was true. I’d only seen the dream or anything related to it once... “Well that’s good,” I say, “this book makes Omens sound pretty terrible.”

“Yes, well they certainly aren’t cheery things.” Hermione says thoughtfully. “Lets flip to the next couple chapters; because if it wasn’t an Omen, it most likely is a dream... But wether it’s an ordinary dream, or a future event,  I don’t know.”

Taking in Hermione words I flip through the pages until I spot one that says...

Dark Dreams

and How to Tell Them Apart

‘Dark dreams are unlike any others. If you’ve experienced one, you may have felt cold, confused, sad, trapped, and un-aware that it was a dream until you’ve woken up. For Dark Dreams feel as real as life itself, and most wizards or witches cannot define between the two. In extreme cases it can be difficult to return from these dark and mysterious dreams.

I feel my heart almost stop. I could have been stuck. Stuck in that creepy, old, dark house for who knows how long! I feel my hands begin to shake. Thankfully Hermione continues to read.

Dark Dreams tend to be of importance. If one comes to you, it often has to do with you, or will effect your life in some way. I warn that if you do have a dream that matches all these descriptions you take heed, and figure out what it means. If not...” Hermione stops and shudders.

“What is it?” I asked, putting on a brave face. No wonder this book was in the restricted section.

Defiantly, she continues. “If not... If not” Her voice quivers, “If not, they will keep coming, getting more dangerous and horrifying each time. It is a curse, and knowledge is the only cure. Find out what the dream means, because if it is coming to you, you may not live as long as you may like...” Hermione stops there.

“What does it mean?” I say, terrified. My brain turned to mush, and I hadn’t been able to focus, after she read the  last paragraph.

“It means, it means that, these dreams are coming to you for a reason. An important reason. The events shown in the dreams are happening in real life, and you need to figure out what is happening in them, and what will happen. Or, or you may die, or be cursed...” She ends there. I could be cursed?

“So I have to figure out what it means? How long do I have? Why did this happen to me?” I ask.

She turns and looks at me with worried eyes. “We have to figure this out, you’re not alone in any of this. We should tell Harry too, because you already told him the whole dream... And for how long you have, it says that ...‘the timeline changes depending on the urgency of the dream.’ So I don’t know. But no matter how long we have, we should figure it out anyway. One thing that this book repeats is that this dream, or omen comes to the person for a reason, and that it can save their lives if taken seriously and figured out.”

Well this gives me a little reassurance... I take the book from Hermione, giving her a smile. She’s such a great friend. I really have no clue what I would do if I didn’t have her here. 

Flipping through the old, dreadful book, I gaze blindly at the pages. So battered, and covered with sad words. Whoever Villipeon Durke was, he must have been a very disturbed, or very wise man. 

“Hey look at this!” Hermione says, flipping to the very back of the book. She points to a neat scrawl that’s lining the last page of the book. 

‘Do not think of these as death, think of these as the warnings before. For if taken, they may prevent what they can cause.’

“See, even whoever wrote this knows that we should take this information and figure it out! It could save us! Who knows, maybe this is a gift! Not a curse after all!” Hermione say excitedly. 

“I don’t know.. Did you read what Villipeon Durke wrote? He said ‘curse’ not gift!” I reply. 

“Yes, but that’s why these words were written! Maybe Durke was wrong.” Hermione says knowledgeably. 

Thinking, I trace my hand across the neat and beautiful words, written in the back of this terrifying book. It’s funny how something so simply, and ordinary can give you so much hope. 

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” I say. This makes her smile. 

“Aren’t I always?” She jokes. I laugh at her. Always right... “Anyways, let’s forget about Mr Durke, and go up to bed. i’m exhausted... Plus you have a Quidditch practice tomorrow.” 

“Shit! I forgot all about that!” I say, running up the stairs to my bed. Behind me I can hear Hermione’s laughter following up the stairs.

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