Chapter 12 - A Magical Night to Remember

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Chapter 12 - A Magical Night to Remember

“Well I was wondering when you were going to ask me.” He replies, joking around. I just blush again, moving my eyes away from Fred, and back to the book. Gently Fred’s hand grazes my face, and pulls it back towards the direction of him. 

“Bea, I would love to go to the ball with you.” He replies, smiling at me. I blush again... What can I say, he makes me blush!  

“O-okay.” I stutter, clearly nervous. He chuckles. “I-I, um, guess i’ll see you later then!” I say, getting back to myself.

He chuckles again. Man, I must be funny. “See you later Bea,” He says casually turning back to his work.

So did he really mean what he said? ‘Well I was wondering when you were going to ask me.’ I think he did. I exited the portrait hole with a huge smile plastered to my face. 

“So you’re going with Fred? I knew you would!” Hermione yelled, earning a look from the librarian. I just explained the last half hour to her in detail. “So have you decided what dress you’re going to wear?” She asks. I knew I was forgetting something!

“Here’s a problem, I don’t have a dress!” Hermione looked at me, then got lost in her own mind. 

“Well, we have Friday off, due to the dance, so we could always head over to Hogsmeade and get you a dress!” Brilliant! That’s a great idea! Whoops I guess I should tell her that!
“Brilliant Hermione! That’s a great idea!” I hug her, smiling! No wonder she’s the smart one!

“Okay it’s settled, Friday we’ll quickly get your dress, then you, me and Ginny will all get ready together!” By now we’re both out of our chairs hopping up and down! Friday is going to be perfect!

“I can’t wait!” I say. By now the librarian is escorting us out of the library. But me and ‘Mione could care less! We’re just so excited for Friday...

(Friday Afternoon)

“Are you ready Bea?” Hermione calls me from the common room. I run down the stairs with my purse, and a smile on my face.

“Where are you girls going?” Harry asks, with a confused look on his face. 

“We’re shopping for Bea’s dress! Sorry but no boys allowed!” Hermione continues.. 

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have wanted to come anyways...” Harry says, I chuckle at him expression.

“Hey Bea are you ready to come to the Burrow after the ball?” George asks me, as he sits on the couch. 

“Yep! I’m all packed! I can’t wait!” I reply happily. It’s true, I can’t wait to go and meet everyone at the Burrow! 

“C’mon Bea, we have to hurry!” Hermione guides me out the portrait hole, and we march down the steps to the front doors. 

“Hey, Hermione I have a crazy idea, but it will get us to Hogsmeade quicker.” I say slyly. She nods simple. I turn and with a loud crack I turn into a horse. I bow my head signaling Hermione to ride on my back. With hesitation she climbs on my back, and I take off for Hogsmeade. It feels amazing to gallop across the path. We’re at Hogsmeade in less then a minute. Wow I think that’s some sort of record! 

Hermione quickly gets off, and with a crack i’m back to being my normal self. 

“See, that was much faster!” I say excitedly. Hermione laughs and pulls me into a dress store. We enter and I smell rosy perfume. There’s pink on every wall.

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