Chapter 5 - Classes and Giggling

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Chapter 5 (A couple days later...)

I woke up, had a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and headed down to the common room. Yesterday kept on running through my head... I can’t believe that I am going to Hogsmeade with Draco! I can’t wait. Today is Friday, so tomorrow! 

I sit down on the sofa, in front of the blazing fire. 

“Well you’re in a good mood today!” Exclaims Hermione.

“Why do you say that?” I ask, she just sits down beside me and sighs.

“Well that smile hasn’t left your face since yesterday, and you’re all giggly and happy!” She replied. I cannot believe that Hermione just said ‘giggly’ it is too funny.

“Yeah, well i’m just happy.. You know being here at Hogwarts with you guys.” I say sarcastically, trying to suck up.

“Yeah right.” She replies smiling at me, with her bushy hair pulled back into a pony tail.

“Lets just go down, classes should start soon anyways...” I reply, she nods. 

We enter the great hall, pushing open the huge wooden doors, and go and sit with Harry, and the Weasleys. 

“Hey-yo,” says George and Fred at the same time. “How are you two ladies this morning?”

“Just fine thank you!” I reply cheerily.

“Actually Bea here is better then ‘just fine’,” Hermione adds, I give her a quick glare. “Bea, hasn’t stopped smiling since last night!” 

“Oh shush up ‘Mione.” I interrupt her. 

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that Draco Malfoy was staring and smiling at you during the Quidditch tryouts does it?” Adds Ginny quickly. I try to hide the blush that’s forming on my cheeks. 

“It has nothing to do with that!” I reply. A little too fast to be convincing. 

“Does somebody have a crush?” Asks George and Fred mischievously. “Oh Draco, I love you sooooo much,” They tease, in a voice that I guess is supposed to be mine. This just makes my face turn feverishly red. I smack them both in the head.

“I do not have a crush on Draco Malfoy AND I do not talk like that!” I yell at them annoyed that they would do that.. Like what if Draco heard all that? What would he think of me then?

“Well, i’m heading to class, see you guys later.” I say finally calming myself down. I walk along the cool halls of the castle. Summer is slowly fading away and the heat is going with it. I walk into the History of Magic class, and take a seat near the back, and near a window. Slowly students start walking in, and class begins with the monotone hum of Professor Burns. 

Finally after a class of reading and taking notes the second period bell rings. But before I can escape the classroom-

“Ah, Miss Winters, would you please come here for a second.” Prof. Burns asked me. I gave in and slowly walked to his desk.

“Yes Professor?”

“You haven’t been paying attention in class lately, so I advise you, midterms are coming up, and to pass this course you must pay attention!” He says sternly furrowing his brow.

“Yes, sorry Professor, I will.” I reply. I just want to get out of here!

“You have Defense Against the Dark Arts next correct?” I nod. “Then you should hurry because Professor Snape does not permit lates!”

I glance at the clock, I have to be in the dungeons in less then a minute! I ignore Prof. Burns and do the only thing I can think of. I shape shift. You know how I said I wasn’t very good when thinking quickly and under pressure? Well this is one of those moments! I shape shift into a small dragon and soar down the halls and staircases. Why a dragon? Well, one reason is that they’re incredibly fast. But the main reason is if i’m going to show everyone that I am a shape shifter, I want to be something cool. Plus it’s hilarious seeing peoples reactions while a dragon flies past them!

I finally make it to the DADA classroom and fly through the door. I hear a bunch of screams. 

“What the-” Says Snape, as I land in the middle of the class. His eyes grow big, and he raises his wand. 

Quickly I turn back into a human, with a large crack. “Sorry Professor, I didn’t want to be lat-” 

“So you burst into my classroom as a dragon? I must admit that it is most impressive, next time please choose a subtler animal, Miss Winters.” Snape says.

Wow he didn’t scream at me, or give me detention. Smiling I take my seat. Looking around, seventh years are staring at me with wide eyes. Oh well. I just smirk back at them. This is going to be fun. 

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