Chapter 9 - Quidditch, Payback and Betrayal

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Chapter 9 - Quidditch, Payback and Betrayal (Beatrix’s P.O.V)

I stood at the base of the Quidditch Pitch, looking up at the stands. They’re filled with Gryffindors, Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs. As well as all the teachers. 

“Are you okay Bea?” Harry asks, looking at me with a worried expression. 

“Yeah, just a tad nervous.” I reply. Looking around at the team. Thankfully Fred came over, clearly sensing that I am seriously nervous! 

“Hey, you okay Bea?” Fred asks, putting an arm around my shoulders. I lean my head on his shoulder. 

“Yeah, i’m better now, thanks.” I say smiling up at his tall figure.

Before he could respond we’re called to the pitch. Madame Hooch blows the whistle. 

We all stand in the middle of the field, preparing to mount. Madame Hooch, comes over and gives everyone a quick pep talk.

“Now, everyone I want a clean game. Ready?” She blows the whistle again and tosses the quaffle in the air. Let the game begin...

Me and Ginny rock our new positions on the Quidditch team. We have scored 50 points and the game has only just started. The weird thing is I haven’t seen Draco at all, and he’s not playing Seeker for his team. I take a break from the game and hover in the air for a second. Gazing over the crowd in the stands I try to see if I can find the boy I kissed yesterday. I finally see him, his platinum hair sticking out against the dark green sea of Slytherin. I take a closer look, and a tear falls down my cheek. There’s Draco Malfoy, the boy that I kissed, and gave my heart too, kissing another girl. How the hell could he? 

I detach my thoughts from the little freak, and go back to the game. I dodge in and out of other players whipping the quaffle past the Keeper. Right now i’m flying down the field with the quaffle. Come on Harry, catch the snitch! Suddenly I feel a thud, and Pansy Parkinson is at my left side. 

“Give the Quaffle here you liar! See you aren’t even good enough for Draco Malfoy!” She screams. The last part catches me at i’m distracted for a second, but that’s enough for Pansy. She quickly grabs my broom, and whips me off it. 

I’m falling towards the ground, fast, 40 feet up in the air, 30, 20 10, thud. Everything goes black. 

(Fred’s P.O.V.)

I look over and see Bea flying with the Quaffle. She’s amazing at Quidditch. Suddenly Pansy comes up towards her. I quickly hit the bludger and it hurtles towards Parkinson, but it’s too late. Pansy just pushed Bea off her broom, and she’s falling towards the ground. 

What am I doing just standing here? I speed over on my broom, but i’m too late. Bea’s on the ground unconscious. I hear an ‘ow’ from above. At least Pansy got hit with the bludger! 

I touch down and run towards Beatrix. The girl with the golden hair. The girl who shape shifts. I finally reach her, and pull her into my arms. 

“Fred, what happened? Is she okay?” Harry runs over, and kneels down beside me.

Finally Madame Hooch comes. 

“I thought I said something about a clean game? Tsk-tsk-tsk... What have we got here?” She looks over at Bea, “Fred take her to the Hospital Wing immediately please. Harry, just continue the game, you may see Miss Winters after the game.” I ignore Madame Hooch and Harry and lift Bea up. I run as fast as I can with her in my arms. 

“Mr. Weasley no running in the ha- what do we have here?” Madame Pomfrey says. I lay her down on the bed. 

“Will she be okay?” I ask, she has to be okay.

“I don’t know yet, how about you come back later, and give me a chance to heal her. I’ll let you know if anything happens.” I just nod and head back out to the Quidditch field. 

“Fred, what happened, will Beatrix be okay??” Hermione asks me quietly. 

“I don’t know.” I say simply. Tears welling up in my eyes. Hermione walks over to me and George comes as well, now that the game is over. 

“Hey, it’ll be okay Fred, don’t worry. Madame Pomfrey will heal her.” George comforts, but it doesn’t really work.

“Oh Fred.” Hermione says sadly, taking notice of my wet eyes. She wraps me in her arms. George comes and hugs me too. He knows how I feel. How I feel about Bea.

“Oh guys, is Bea oka-” But Harry’s interrupted as George pulls him into the hug as well. We stand there for awhile. Just holding each other.

“Come one, let’s go to the common room, Madame Pomfrey will let us know when she’s okay.” Hermione says. We all nod and solemnly walk towards the castle, and the common room. 

I wake up the next day. Maybe it was a dream, maybe Bea wasn’t actually in the Hospital Wing, maybe she is in her bed, or the common room waiting for me... But I know the truth. She’s injured in the Hospital Wing. I should go and see her! I rush out of bed, and put on my uniform. 

“Where are you going? Wait I know, to see Bea right?” George adds, I just nod, and run out the door. 

“Hey! Wait for me!” George yells. I stall for a moment as George runs through the door. 

“Okay let’s go!” I yell back at him and we both take off and run down to the Hospital Wing.

We sprint down to the Hospital Wing, dodging past other students, and tripping across the floor. We finally make it down, but by then we’re way out of breath. 

“Is-Bea-okay?” I ask Madame Pomfrey, in between gasps for air. She smiles. 

“Yes, she is fine, right this way.” She leads us towards a bed where Bea is sitting up. Her face is pale, but at least she’s breathing. 

“BEA YOU’RE OKAY!” George yells, and we both attack her in a hug. 

“Yeah, i’m all good.” She says, with a half smile on her lips. I don’t believe her... By now the whole Quidditch team, and Hermione are down beside her bed, talking to Beatrix. I’m so relieved, but I honestly can’t wait until I can talk to her alone.

“Well, we’re all glad that you’re okay, but I think Fred’s the most appreciative.” I hear Hermione say. This catches my attention. Before I can say something George adds to the conversation.

“Yeah, you should’ve seen him, he looked worse then you did!” Wow, thanks George.

I think this is when I should interrupt. “Well, of course I was worried, everyone was.” I say nonchalantly. I don’t want to tell Bea the truth while EVERYONE is around. Even though i’m sure everyone knows by now.

“I’m sorry to make you guys worry so much! I feel terrible!” Bea says. Looking around at the group of us surrounding her bed. 

“It’s not your fault! It’s that toad Parkinson’s! You were winning us the game!” Exclaims Katie. She’s the other Chaser on the Gryffindor team. I don’t know why i’m not talking. Usually you can never shut me up! I guess i’m just content looking at a non-dead Beatrix. 

“Yeah, but don’t worry, Pansy got 2 months of detention with Snape, and she got kicked off the team!” Harry smiles. This makes Bea happier. 

Madame Pomfrey casually walks over to us, ignoring the crowd she talks straight to Bea. 

“Miss Winters, it looks like when you are ready, you can go back up to the Gryffindor common room. Make sure that if your head starts to ache, come back down here immediately, and stay with friends at all times, in case that happens as well.” She hands Bea a vile of potion, “Make sure you take this every night for a week.” She points to us, the group hovering beside Bea’s bed. “Everyone here, make sure that she takes the potion! I expect all of you to take care of her!” We all nod, and Madame Pomfrey walks into her office. Bea gently gets up. I walk over to her side, and take her arm, to help steady the weak girl .

“Thanks Fred.” She smiles up at me. I smile back. George comes to her other side, and we all help her back up to the common rooms. 

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