Chapter 11 - Invitations and Some More Blushing

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Chapter 11 - Invitations and Some More Blushing (Beatrix’s P.O.V.  A Couple Weeks Later...)

It’s been awhile since I found out the truth about Draco. In fact, now it’s one week until Christmas vacation. One week until I go to the Burrow for Christmas with the Weasleys and Harry! I’m actually really excited! Another big event that’s coming up is the Christmas ball, and nobody has asked me yet... Ginny’s going with Harry, that was a big deal. Of course he had to get Ron’s permission first, seeing as their best friends. Then George is going with some girl named Angelina, and even Ron has a date! He’s going with Hermione! Apparently after some incident in year four, Ron asked her right away. Lucky girl.

Anyway, nobody’s asked me. Yay... And to make things even worse, rumours are going around that Malfoy, (yes I call him Malfoy now, not Draco,) is going with Pansy! This is terrible! 

I march miserably down to the great hall, sitting down beside Hermione, and Harry, across from Ron and George. Hmm.. I wonder where Fred is?

“What’s wrong Bea?” ‘Mione asks, “You look sad!” She puts her hand on my shoulder, waiting for a response.

“Everyone has a date to the ball except me! You do!” Pointing to George, “You do,” I say pointing to Ron, “And you two do!” I exclaim pointing to Harry and Hermione.

“Wait, so no one’s asked you yet?” George asks with wide eyes. I just respond by putting my head on the table in despair.

“How could no one ask you?” Harry says puzzled. Looking around.

“I don’t know! I guess nobody wants to go to the dance with me!” I say, i’m starting to get really sad now. It hurts everytime I say it. ‘Nobody wants to go to the dance with me’, ‘Nobody has asked me,’ it’s depressing!

“Well you could go with us?” Hermione suggests. The group nods, but I just shake my head.

“No, you guys have a fun night, i’ll just probably hang out in the common room alone...” I say, wow i’m being a real downer...

With this last comment, nobody says anything else. The bell rings, signaling that classes are starting in 10 minutes. 

“I’m just going to go. See you guys around.” They all mumble some sort of ‘goodbye’ but I just ignore it and walk to class.

After all the classes were over I walked into the Gryffindor common room. Seeing Fred on the sofa, walked over and sat beside him. 

“Where have you been today?” I asked him, looking at what he’s working on.

“Just around, how were classes?” He asks, I give him the usual answer ‘boring’.

He turns to me, and looks down at me frowning. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, putting his work back on the table for a moment.

“The ball on Friday, before we leave for the break.” I answer simply. He still looks confused. Oh Fred.

“What about it?” He asks clearly not clicking in.

“Nobody’s asked me... So i’m not going.” I say, he chuckles. He chuckles? Why’s he laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” I ask, offended that he would laugh when i’m clearly troubled.

“Maybe the reason you haven’t been asked is because the girls are supposed to ask the guys this time!” He replies. Oh, that would make sense! Why didn’t Hermione tell me? I thought that Ron asked Hermione, and Harry asked Ginny, but it must have been the other way around!!

“Are you serious? So i’ve been moping around for no reason at all!” I reply, shocked that I hadn’t clicked in sooner.

“Yep, hope that solved some of your problems!” He jokes. I just punch him lightly in the shoulder.

“So, are you going? ...With anyone?” I asked casually, distracting myself by picking up a book that’s on the coffee table in front of us.

“Nope, I guess I should be the one moping shouldn’t I?” He jokes, I just punch him in the shoulder again...

Suddenly an idea pops into my mouth, and before I could stop it i’m already speaking.

“Hey Fred, would you like to go to the ball with me?”

“Hey Fred, would you like to go to the ball with me?”I cannot believe I just said that. I start to blush, as he looks at me with his warm eyes.

Finally after what seems like hours he replies...

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