Chapter 13 - The Weasley's and The Burrow

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Chapter 13 - The Weasleys and The Burrow

I wake up, the events from last night putting a smile on my lips. Getting ready, I put on some jeans and a sweater, pulling my hair back into a ponytail. I grab my trunk and yank it down the steps, and into the common room. I’m not bringing my owl Lux, because there isn’t really anyone to send mail too, seeing as all my friends will be at the Burrow! I pull my trunk out of the common room, down some stairs, and to the front hall with all the others. Perfect. I leave my stuff there and run to the great hall where I see everyone sitting eating breakfast. Why is it that i’m always the last one to get up?

“Hey finally Bea, you’re up!” Harry says, passing me some pumpkin juice.

“Yeah, sorry.” I sit down next to Fred, who smiles and puts his arm around me. It’s nice to be near him again, even if it has been only one night.

“So are you ready to go to the Burrow?” Ron asks, before stuffing his face with some breakfast sausage.

“Yep, all my stuff’s in the font hall. Wait, so how are we getting there?” I ask, looking at Fred for an answer.

“Port-key, love.” Hey says before continuing to eat some toast. Hermione raises her eyebrow at me, but I just give her a nod and facial expression which says ‘I’ll tell you later.’

We all finish eating and head to the front hall to grab our trunks, and walked to the front of Hogwarts, and there was the port-key, but it more closely resembled an old shoe. 

“Here it is!” George exclaimed. We all stood around the old shoe, and grasped some part of it. I didn’t have a good grip, so I grabbed Fred’s hand and held it tight.

“Okay it should leave-” George started, but got interrupted when the port-key blasted us up into the air, twisting around. Suddenly we weren’t at Hogwarts anymore, we were looking down on a field. I would’ve fell straight to the ground, except for the fact that Fred was holding my hand. He made a bicycling motion with his legs, and I copied. It’s a weird feeling your first port-key, especially doing the bicycling action, it’s like you’re walking towards the ground.

“-now.” George finished. We just laughed at him. I looked around, now that we’re finally on the ground. The fields surrounding the towering home were covered in snow, and the empty corn stalks swayed to the breeze. I looked at the Burrow. It’s a narrow tall building with additions on top of additions, it’s so unique, and looks just like home. 

“Well let’s not just stand here! Come on!” Ginny yells at us, we slowly follow her to the house. As we get closer the smells of christmas cookies, pies, and sweets becomes clearer. I think i’m going to like it here. 

Ginny opens the door, and a friendly looking women with bright red hair comes and greets us. 

“Oh hello! Come in, come in!” She squeals, ushering us all in, and with a flick of her wand all of our suitcases float up, and fly upstairs, probably to our rooms. 

We all move into the living room, and I sit down next to Harry and Fred on a couch. Everyone else joins us, including some people i’ve never met before.

“Well I think introductions are in order.” Mrs. Weasley says. She points to she far couch. “This is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Tonks,” She points to me, “Sirius, Remus, Tonks this is Beatrix.” She smiles at me. 

“Hello.” I say cheerily, i’m not really good with introductions. They each say hello back. Thankfully Sirius (who I know know is Harry’s godfather) saves the conversation. 

“So, how’s Quidditch been for Gryffindor lately?” He asks, clearly a fan I guess.

“Pretty good, Fred and George are great beaters, Ron’s a great new Keeper, and we have Ginny and Bea as new Chasers.” He replies.

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