Chapter 7 - Hogsmeade and Butterbeer

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Chapter 7

I wake sore and tired after last nights duel. Slowly I get up from bed and pull on jeans, and a long sleeve maroon striped shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and look in the mirror. Eh, good enough. I walk into the common room and run into Fred.

“Hey, watch where you’re going Bea.” He comments, guiding me to the sofa.

“Sorry, i’m just tired...” And with that I yawn.

“Yeah, well last nights duel was pretty epic! I can’t believe, well I can, but you totally destroy Pansy! It was awesome!” I smile at his compliment.

“Thanks Fred. Are you heading down to breakfast?” I ask him, hoping to have someone to walk down to breakfast with. 

“Yeah, I should be heading down. This way m’lady.” He jokes, smiling at my, extending his arm. I graciously take it and we make our way down to the great hall.

Today is Saturday morning which means that it’s the beginning of the weekend, and I have my Hogsmeade date with Draco! I’m meeting him outside the castle at 10:30 and I can’t wait!! I haven’t been to Hogsmeade before, so what better time to go then on your first date! 

You see in Hanük, Iceland, I didn’t date very much... You know, so this whole thing is kind of new to me. 

Anyways, me and Fred made our way down to the great hall and sat down on the bench.

“So what are you doing to day Miss Winters?” Asks Fred, picking up a piece of toast.

“I’m going to Hogsmeade!” I reply, I really don’t want to tell him the ‘with Draco’ part, because if he makes fun of me again, it will just be humiliating!!

“Very nice, so are you ready for our first Quidditch game tomorrow?” He changes the subject. WOO! 

“Yeah, who are we playing again?” I ask, see I don’t really pay attention in the meetings. Aw well.

“We’re playing Slytherin. Beware though, Pansy’s a chaser, so I would watch my back if I were you!” He says anxiously.

“Well it would help if you hit her nice and hard with a bludger.” I smirk, making him laugh.

“Will do, will do. That was right hilarious when you dumped her in the lake last night! You should’ve seen all the Slytherins faces!” Fred continues to laugh at this when Harry takes a seat beside me.

“What’s he laughing about?” Harry asks. I just shake my head.

“Last night...” Harry laughs too now. Oh boys... 

“That was priceless though Bea, they know now not to mess with you!” Harry adds. This just makes me smile.

“Yeah, well i’m certainly not afraid of them that’s for sure!” I say, I join in on the laughing, and soon all of us are laughing our heads off, earning weird stares from neighboring tables.

Once some of our laughing died down I glanced at the clock at the front of the hall. It was already 10:00! I have to get ready!

I ran up to the Gryffindor common rooms, then to my room and choose my outfit carefully...

Since it was now fall, I chose black skinny jeans, a belt, and a nice purple/blue sweater. I used my wand, and fixed my hair so it was natural, long and curly. Then I slipped on my Doc Martens. 

By now it was 10:20 so I ran up to the Gryffindor common room.

“Woah, where are you going?” Ron asks, I might have accidentally bumped into him.

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