Chapter 4 - Blushes and Quidditch

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Chapter 4

I woke up, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and their was a smell of fresh flowers in the air. This is going to be a great day! My first day of Hogwarts classes, and Quidditch tryouts. I jumped out of bed, and pulled on my uniform. I stopped and looked in the mirror. My long golden blonde hair was wavy, and my blue eyes were bluer then ever. Wow, I think that today is going to be a good day. I made my way down to the common room, and out the portrait hole. Now, to find my way to the great hall. 

I wandered around the castle for what seemed like forever. Thank goodness I left for breakfast early. And classes only start at 9:00 AM today. Getting lost in my own thought I bumped into someone.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” I said still not looking up.

“Oh no, it’s fine.” Replies a familiar voice. I look up and staring back at me with beautiful grey blue eyes is Draco Malfoy. 

“Oh, hi...” I say awkwardly we didn’t leave of at the best terms on the train yesterday.

“I never got to thank you for getting rid of the dementors. It was quite impressive i mu-” He says, but I interrupt him. HA

“Yeah, about that, can you not mention that to anyone. I want to keep it on the down low please.” I look up at him. 

“Oh, yeah I understand.” He says, a little less enthusiastic then before.

“And thank you, for saying that my patronus was impressive..” I add, trying to make him cheerier like he was before. 

I think it works because he’s now smiling down at me. “You’re welcome. I guess i’ll see you around sometime?” He says flashing me a killer smile.

Yeahhh..” I say rather stupidly. He turns around and starts walking away.. Hold on a sec!

“Wait! Draco!” He turns around and looks worried.

“Yeah?” He yells back. I run up to catch up with him.

“You don’t happen to know where the great hall is do you?” I ask, fluttering my eyes, and giving off a goofy smile.

He chuckles, “Yeah, come on.. Wait so were you lost the whole time?”

“No, maybe not the whole time?” I reply, of course Draco bursts out laughing.

“You know you’re in the dungeons right?” He adds.

“I’m in the dungeons?” Well I guess that’s why my potions class is right there..

“The Gryffindor common room is on the fourth floor, and the great hall is on the first, and you’re in the dungeons...” He says while trying not to laugh.

“Oh shush up,” I say playfully punching him in the shoulder. “I get lost easily!”
“So how are you going to get from class to class today?” He asks raising his eyebrow. By now we’re on the first floor, so that’s how you get from the dungeons to the great hall.. I’ll have to remember that.

“I have no clue.” I say honestly. He just laughs at me again. By now we’re walking in to the great hall.

“Well, i’ll see you later Beatrix... Try not to get too lost today!” 

“Haha very funny,” I reply sticking my tongue out at him. He just smiles and winks back. I can’t help but feel butterflies flying around in my stomach. 

“So can anyone tell us what the benefits are to be able to transform quickly? How about,  Miss Winters?” 

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