Chapter 3 - Magical Explanations

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Chapter 3

Finally, after walking up 4 flights of stairs, get across those scary moving staircases, and walk through a talking painting, we are in the warm, red and gold Gryffindor common room. 

We all crash on the leather couch, and sofa. I take a place next to the fireplace on the floor.

“So Beatrix, if I do remember correctly, you are going to tell us everything. Including your impressive class schedule, your life in Iceland, and why you only came to Hogwarts now.” George stated matter-o-factly. 

“Okay, okay, but there are rules before I begin.” Everybody nods in agreement. “First, you can’t tell anyone. Second, please don’t judge me until yo hear the full story. Third, don’t be afraid, cause honestly, I just want to fit in, that’s why I am so hesitant to tell you guys..” I stare at the floor.

“Hey, it’s okay, we know A LOT of weird and crazy things. We wont be scared, or leave you.” Hermione pulls me in for a hug, and soon enough everyone else joins in creating a massive group hug. 

“Okay! Okay! Let’s get on with the story...” I say, immediately attracting everyones attention. Thankfully it’s only us in the common room, everybody else went to bed.

“Okay, so I grew up in Iceland. But I didn’t exactly live near the Hanük forests. I lived in them. I lived with my mother, and father, in this little community you could say, of ancient witches and wizards. We grew up, and lived there since I could remember. I didn’t go to a fancy academy, like Hogwarts, I learnt my magic in the community, from everyone else around me. The reason I didn’t go to Hogwarts, is because... I have a different type of magic then you guys.” I took a pause, all their jaws dropped. Before anyone could say anything I continued. “I have an ancient magic, which is extremely powerful. Yes, I can do everything you guys can, but I can also do other things. For example, you know how there were the dementors on the train, and someones patronus took care of all of them? Well yeah, that was me. After that I ran off the train, and it left without me.” I took another break. This is a lot of information at once. But I looked around and Harry, Ron, Fred, George and Hermione looked like a child during christmas morning. 

“So what happened next?” Asked Ron excitedly. “How’d you get to Hogwarts??”

“Well, you know how I said I have a different magic then you guys.. Well my type of magic, comes with gifts. For me, I can shape shift. Into any animal or thing that I want instantly. No spells, no incantations, I just think of the animal, and I become it. I turned into an eagle, and flew to Hogwarts.”

“That’s amazing!” Yells Fred. “Wait, wait, wait, so how come you’re now at Hogwarts?” 

I sighed. This is the part of the story that I hate telling people. “Well, mid way through the summer, we had a visiter in the summer. And well basically, the decimated the whole village. I took a walk, and when I returned everyone was gone, buildings and houses burnt, animals slaughtered. Then Professor Dumbledore heard of this, and came to see the damage for himself. That’s when he found me. He offered my safety, training, food, and shelter at Hogwarts and I couldn’t say no...”

“Oh. My. Goodness! I can’t believe you went through all of that!” Hermione yelps and hugs me again.

“Yeah, but at least I came here and met you guys.” I smile. They are the first friends I have had since my village burnt. 

“So, can you show us a cool trick with your cool old magic?” George asked excitedly. 

“Yeah come on Bea, show us something!!” Ron added, with agreement from Harry.

“Okay. Fine. Watch this.” Without my wand I focused on the fire, fivre ficardra momentrum I said in my head. I opened my eyes to see the fire playing the happiest scene I could remember of the village. People dancing around, with centaurs any magical creature you can imagine.

“Wow, that’s beautiful. And you did it without your wand?” Harry asked curiously.

“Yeah, my wand is good for aim, when I want to make a direct target, but when it’s doing stuff like this, I prefer to use my hands.” I explain.

“Now turn into a lion!” Exclaims George again.

“A lion? Okay you asked for it!” I joke. I stand up, turn around quickly, and with a large crack, i’m a lion.


Smiling and laughing I turn back into a human. “You think?” I ask.

“Ummm, YEAH! No wonder you’re in like all seventh year classes! You’re spectacular!” Says Harry. Everyone nods in agreement.

“Thanks guys.” I say, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. Suddenly my mouth widens with a yawn. “I think i’m going to bed. I’ll see you all tomorrow!” I turn up the staircase to the girls dormitory and hop into bed. Wow I can’t believe I am now a student at Hogwarts.. And I have hilarious friends, i’m trying out for Quidditch tomorrow, and I get to practice magic with some of the most famous wizards and witches. I pinch myself. Thank god I am not dreaming.

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