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"TOMMY!" Tubbo screamed as his best friend went limp, a sword through his abdomen.

Fundy removed his sword from the dead Tommy. His eyes had changed from his purple and yellow spirals and back to his normal stormy blue eyes.

Tubbo ran to Tommy as he began to cry. He knelt at Tommy's side and began trying to shake him back to life.

"No!" he shouted. "No! You can't be dead! Please no! Tommy! Please! Tommy!"

"It's no use, Tubbo," Ranboo said. They continued, but Tubbo couldn't hear them.

Fundy had just killed Tommy. The Tommy Tubbo was best friends with for as long as he could remember. The person he had fought against Dream with. The person that had saved his life was dead.

Tubbo stood up, his sorrow replaced with anger. "FUNDY! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" he screamed at the anthropomorphic fox.

"Killed a maniac," Fundy answered, putting his blue bloodstained sword away. "That's what we were going to do if he resisted arrest, right?"

Tubbo took out his axe. Ranboo had to hold him back so he didn't kill Fundy right then and there.

"You idiot!" Tubbo shouted. "You killed Tommy! You killed my best friend! How could you? You're a monster!"

Fundy snarled at him. "Me a monster? Tommy killed people! He killed my dad and Dream! He took a life from Ranboo! He tortured Quackity! He was a villain and I've just done the best thing for this server! Tommy will never hurt anyone ever again thanks to me!"

"T-Tommy..." Tubbo said, beginning to break down. He leaned against Ranboo and began sobbing.

Ranboo hugged him. They didn't say a word. Their gaze was stuck on Tommy's limp body. His blue blood had stained his shirt and had created a puddle of blood underneath him. His eyes were clouded over and dull. His expression was blank and absent. Even in death, he didn't look remorseful.

"He didn't deserve this," Technoblade said. He turned and left, climbing out of the ravine.

Drista shed a few tears before vanishing.

"No praise?" Fundy asked, looking around. All he received were glares. "Fine, guess I'll just go." He walked away, taking the same path as Techno.

Sam dropped to his knees, trying not to cry. He placed his head in his hands.

Ranboo let go of Tubbo, an allium appearing in their hand. They walked over to Tommy and knelt down. They closed Tommy's eyes and placed the allium in his hand.

They began to cry. "Here, have a flower."

A Second Tale of RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now