Chapter 12

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Your best friend yelling "WHERE IS MY CHILD?!" is not something you would ever expect to wake up to. Yet that was exactly what Tommy woke up to the next morning.

Tommy sat up, trying to decipher if the shout had come from his dream or if it had been real. What came next answered his question.

"MICHEAL?!" Ranboo shouted, sounding panicked. "Micheal?! Where is he?!"

"Micheal?!" Tubbo shouted.

Tommy stood up and went to open his door, but Tubbo beat him to it.

The goat boy stood there breathing heavily with dilated eyes. He looked terribly frightened.

"Have you seen Micheal?" Tubbo asked, trying to keep his voice calm.


Tubbo shouted a curse before running away. "Ranboo! He doesn't know where he is!"

"Gods!" Ranboo yelled. "I'll check the basement!"

Tommy limped after Tubbo, who was standing there clutching his head and hyperventilating. He cautiously approached him.

"I'll help look," he said. "He can't have gone far. He's, what, three?"

"Four," Tubbo corrected.

"He's four. He's got stubby little legs and he has to hate the cold. He comes from the Nether, right?"


"Okay, well, let's just look around. I can go check around Snowchester. Sound good?"


Tommy couldn't see Tubbo's face, but he could see tears falling from his face.

"Hey, it'll be okay. Like I said, he can't have gone far."

Tubbo spun around. His eyes were misty and he looked like he might snap at Tommy. "He hasn't run away, Tommy!"

Tommy winced. I should have seen that coming, he thought.

He opened his mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say. What could he say? Oh, hey, I know you're son's been kidnapped, but do we really know? That was not acceptable. Though he didn't really understand the whole being a parent thing, he knew that Ranboo and Tubbo were worried about their kid. He was going to have to take the reins. He wasn't going to just let the two run in circles in their panic.

Tommy shook his head. Why would they trust him? Why would anyone trust him?

He shook his head again. He had to stop getting sidetracked.

"He's not going to be in Snowchester."

"Definitely not," Tubbo said.

"Who would take him?"

"I don't know."

"You didn't make any enemies while I was dead, right?"

Tubbo looked at the ground. "Ranboo and I... we may have, um, made Fundy pretty mad."

"I think I knew that."

"No, that was him on a good day. I, uh, may have blown up his cabin."

"Tubbo!" Tommy scolded, though he was quite proud of him. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking! I was really mad and I did that! Now he hates me because I almost killed his son! But he's not..." Tubbo trailed off as he realized what must have happened. Tommy realized a second later.

"FUNDY!" the two shouted in unison.

"RANBOO!" Tubbo yelled.

Less than a minute later, Ranboo was there, looking even more frightened than Tubbo. They were crying and shaking. Was this what parenthood did to people?

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