Chapter 5

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Tommy was sat on the shore, watching the sunrise. GhostWasTaken was asleep in the house.

    He rested his head on his knees, feeling horrible. He was contemplating everything he'd done. He didn't know what to do. He was still able to get his revenge, but he didn't know if he wanted to. He could kill them, kill everyone, but... was it worth it? Was it worth it?

    He picked up a rock and threw it into the ocean. As he looked out over the body of water, he got flashbacks.

    He saw himself throwing Quackity's wings into the ocean and rowing through the ocean with the mad Quackity.

    In the moment, he had been so, so proud of himself. Now, he felt... bad. Quackity hadn't deserved that, had he? All he'd done was laugh in the heat of the moment. That was he'd done. Since then, he'd been so kind to Tommy. He'd cared, but Tommy had been too blind to see that. So many people had cared, but he'd ignored them. He'd snapped because of his own stupidity.

    "No," he said to himself. "No, what you did was justified. They all deserved it. Now you're going to show them. You're going to show them all. They'll know exactly how you felt. Everyone will pay."

    He stood up. "I'm not going to be sad about this. I'm not giving up. I'm going to get my revenge." He laughed. "A second tale, and it's just kicking off!"

    He looked out over the ocean as the sun began rising, a new found drive burning inside him. "This is the dawn of the new age, an age of revenge that won't end in misery. This one's gonna go just how I want it to. Here that, Drista?! I won't ever fail again! I'm going to win and no one, absolutely no one can stop me!"

    He laughed. He laughed as he thought about the faces of everyone when he came back to the Greater SMP. Oh, the horror that would be on their faces would so fulfilling! The shock that would creep up on everyone as they realized that someone among them could revive people. When they realized that one of their own had betrayed them. When they realized that he was alive.

    He heard footsteps approaching him. He turned and saw GhostWasTaken coming to stand next to him. In a matter of seconds, Tommy had a vague idea of a plan already made in his head.

    He smirked at the ghost. "What do you say we get some revenge, GhostWasTaken?"

    GhostWasTaken gave him a skeptical look.

    "Haven't they ignored you?" Tommy asked. "Just like they ignored me? Don't they deserve some pain just like we've faced? Don't they deserve to know how it feels to be beaten to death... alone... bleeding... scared... confused..." He trailed off as his brain began flooding with memories of the day Dream had killed him.

The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground with a ghost shaking him. He got to his knees, trying to shake off his confusion. Who was this ghost?

    It all suddenly came back. He knew where he was and who this ghost was. He took a few deep breaths, trying to ground himself.

    GhostWasTaken gave him a worried look.

    Tommy smiled weakly. "I'm fine. It's nothing, buddy. Lets just focus on that revenge, okay? I've got an idea."

The duo spent two days in Logstedshire, just planning out their strategy and tactics. The plan was perfect. No one would see it coming. Tommy would successfully get his revenge this time. He just knew he would.

    GhostWasTaken nudged him, snapping him from his thoughts. He looked at his newfound friend.

    The two were standing on the beach as the sun began to rise. Tommy was holding a boat in his hands. They were about to begin rowing across the ocean and towards the Greater SMP. From there, they'd play out their plan.

    Tommy stepped forward and placed the boat in the water. He hopped into the boat with GhostWasTaken jumping in quickly after. Tommy began rowing the boat forward through the blue ocean. It was almost as blue as the blood that still stained his shirt.

    He shook his head. He just had to focus on rowing. That was all he had to push his energy into. Rowing the boat. Once he reached the Greater SMP, he could rest for as long as he wanted. No one would want him in the prison. They'd all be stuck feeling sorry for him. Then he'd go back to his old TommyInnit ways. It was all going to go so perfectly.

    No one would be able to stop him.

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