Chapter 15

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Tubbo sighed with relief. "That felt good." The goat boy grinned. "He doesn't control me anymore. I'm free!" he shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

Tommy looked at him in shock. Tubbo had just killed his own father.

Tubbo smiled at Tommy. "Ready for Wilbur?"

Tommy forced himself to smile. "Yep, just need one more book."

"Here you go," Tubbo said, tossing him another book and quill.

Tommy opened the book before glancing at GhostWasTaken. The ghost looked excited. He nodded at the caldron before attempting a genuine smile.

Tommy held the quill with shaky fingers. As he pressed the tip of the quill to the page, he saw the red strings on his fingers again. He wrote out Wilbur's full name before closing it and dropping it in the lava.

He reacted before Wilbur even appeared.

He stumbled backwards and fell. He sat up just as Wilbur Soot appeared. A bit less than half of his hair was white and his red eyes were foggy. He glanced at Tommy before dropping unconscious.

GhostWasTaken came and knelt down next to Tommy. He gripped his shoulder protectively while keeping his green eyes on Wilbur.

"Is he dead already?" Tubbo asked, sounding annoyed.

Tommy shook his head.

Tubbo walked over to Wilbur and kicked him. He sat up sluggishly before looking around.

"What...?" he asked. "Aren't I supposed to be dead?"

Tubbo smirked. "Tommy revived you, Wilbur."

"Really? Cool."

Tubbo cast him a skeptical glance. "You have no further reaction? You're not even confused?"

Wilbur laughed. "Oh, I am super confused, but my brain can't handle this right now. I feel like my skull caved in, which it did. Thanks, Tommy," he said, fixing Tommy with a smile.

Tubbo looked at Tommy. "You broke him."

"I killed him!" Tommy cried. "What did you expect? That he would bounce back perfectly fine?"


"That's not how it works!"

Tubbo crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, when will he be fixed?"

"I don't know!" Tommy answered, throwing his hands in the air. "I was in pain for a while after being revived, and I was only stabbed."

Wilbur placed his head in his hands. "I want to die again. At least I didn't feel pain in the Afterlife."

Tommy managed to smile. Wilbur was harmless in this state. He was completely safe from the maniac.

Wilbur lowered his hands. He turned his dilated eyes to Tommy.

I spoke too soon, he thought.

"YOU MONSTER!" he screamed. "You KILLED me! Now you have the audacity to revive me?! You should be begging for mercy!" He attempted to stand but fell back down, clutching his head. "NOW MY HEAD'S ALL MESSED UP BECAUSE OF YOU! I should kill you!"

Tommy got to his feet, shaking. Come on, you can do this. You shouldn't be afraid of him. I can do this.

"I'd suggest you enjoy your short fifth life," Tommy said. "I can promise you that you won't be alive for long."

Wilbur winced as he curled up into a ball. "KILL ME! KILL ME PLEASE! I hate you! My head is pounding like crazy because of you! Make it stop!"

GhostWasTaken stood up. His gaze was colder than the subzero temperatures of Snowchester.

Wilbur looked at GhostWasTaken before putting on a deranged grin. "I know how to revive people, Tommy! I'll take away your new pet ghost! How would that be?! Some revenge, you know?!"

Tommy didn't know how it happened, but the next thing he knew, Wilbur was lying flat on the ground and Tommy had one foot on his chest.

"You already took Ghostbur from me," he found himself saying. "I will not let you take GhostWasTaken."

"THEN KILL ME!" Wilbur shouted. "Please! By the gods, kill me! This hurts like hell! You can't just leave me to suffer! That's cold, even for you, Tommy!"

That's cold, even for you. How low had he stooped?

Tommy stepped back to his original spot next to GhostWasTaken. "Do what you want, Tubbo. Just kill him afterwards, okay?"

Tubbo took a step forward, but Wilbur sat up.

"WAIT!" he screamed. "Don't kill me! I don't want to die again!" He got on his knees and began begging.

"You just said that you wanted to die!" Tubbo scolded.

"Well, I was in so much pain I might as well have been dead!" Wilbur countered. "Please don't kill me! I swear that I'll never hurt any of you ever again! I just want to live!" He turned to Tommy. "Please, Toms! Please don't let him kill me! I want to live! Please, Tommy!"

GhostWasTaken stepped towards Wilbur while everyone else stood in place. He held out his hand and gestured for Wilbur to stand. In a very puppet-like way, Wilbur got to his feet.

"What the hell?!" he shouted. He stumbled backwards before glaring at the ghost. "You! You're controlling me! You're just like Dream! How could Tommy—!"

GhostWasTaken gestured for him to be quiet, and his mouth shut. Wilbur tried to charge at him, but stopped in his tracks when the ghost signalled for it.

"Kill me," Wilbur said in an emotionless voice.

Tommy felt like he was going to be sick. He dropped to his knees. GhostWasTaken was controlling Wilbur.

Tubbo smirked at GhostWasTaken. "You're not half bad."

Wilbur's eyes filled with tears. He looked like he was going to get on his knees and plead again, but he didn't. He seemed frozen.

GhostWasTaken flicked his hand towards Tubbo.

"STOP IT!" Tommy shouted before Wilbur could move.

GhostWasTaken lowered his hand, and Wilbur fell to his knees, breathing heavily. The ghost looked at him, as if awaiting orders.

"D-don't ever do that again," Tommy said. "Never again."

Tubbo looked down at Wilbur. "You're weaker than I remember. I can't believe I thought you had some control over me. Honestly, I don't think I need anything from you."

Wilbur turned to Tommy and mouthed, Thank you. For once, he looked shaken.

"You're not off the hook," Tommy said. "Just because I spared you from being controlled doesn't mean I like you."

Wilbur looked down at the ground. "Go ahead. I'll let Dream know that someone's filled his spot. The Dream SMP has a new villain. Well, four new villains."

Tommy glared at Wilbur. "Goodbye. Enjoy the rest of eternity in the Afterlife."

Wilbur smiled, tears spilling from his eyes. "I'll try."

Tubbo swung his axe, and Wilbur Soot was gone.

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