Chapter 3

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Pain, that was all he felt. Just pain.

He opened his eyes, finding himself in a ravine. "What...?" he mumbled. "This isn't the Afterlife."

Why could he see a ravine? He was only supposed to see black and the figures of the other dead people. There should be no reason why he was seeing a ravine.

There was suddenly a sharp pain in his ankle followed by the feeling of being stabbed. He was jerked into full consciousness.

He tried to sit up, but that only caused him more pain. He looked around. This was the ravine. The ravine he had died in. How was he back here? He should be in the Afterlife. No one should have been able to revive him. Dream had said himself that no one would be revived again. How was this possible?

"I don't care!" Tommy shouted, tears of joy filling his eyes. "I'm alive! I'm back! I'm home! Ha! Take that Dream and Wilbur and everyone else! TommyInnit's back from the dead!"

He attempted to sit up again, and his abdomen didn't cause him any pain, but his ankle sure did. He managed to sit up without too much issue.

"Oh, god dammit," he said as he looked at the entrance to the strip mine. It was a good twenty meters up on the ravine wall.

He checked his inventory, finding nothing. "As expected," he sighed.

He tried standing, but his ankle gave way, causing him more pain. He lay on the ground, trying to figure out how to get out.

He got on his hands and right knee. He began shuffling towards the strip mine entrance, cursing as he did so.

There was a sudden pang in his chest, causing him to fall flat on the ground. The pain slowly moved to where he had been stabbed. He breathed heavily as his vision blurred.

Fundy was suddenly standing in front of him, holding a blue bloodstained sword. His cold gaze was on Tommy. His snout was stuck in a constant scowl. His pupils were slit and his irises red.

"Fundy," Tommy mumbled. He shook his head. "Get away. I'm not... I'm not dying again. Never again. I won't let you win! It's happened too many times!"

He blinked and Fundy was gone. "What the... Fundy? I... I... What is going on? Dream said no one could be revived again. The ability to revive people should have died with him!"

It suddenly felt like he was being stabbed. He wrapped his arms around his abdomen, trying to stop the misery. It was just as bad as actually getting stabbed. The pain just kept growing, as if a sword was getting pushed farther through his torso.

He shivered and shook with agony. He curled into a ball despite the burning pain in his ankle. He shut his eyes and grit his teeth.

"Make it stop!" he screamed as the torment just got worse.

The torture suddenly ended, allowing him to breathe. He went limp and focused on his breathing.

"Okay," he said, attempting to calm himself down. "Okay, it's okay. You just gotta get out of this ravine and to the surface. It'll be fine once you're up there."

He got back on his hands and knee, crawling towards the ravine wall. Once he did reach the cave wall, he grabbed one of the rocks sticking out that his murderers had used to climb down. He pulled himself to his feet, well, foot. He began scaling the wall, only using his hands and right foot. His left one was practically useless in its current state.

From pure instinct, he tried using his left leg to climb. He yelped in pain, quickly recoiling. He managed to keep his hands on the rocks. He resumed climbing, being much more cautious now.

After what felt like ages of struggling, he reached the strip mine entrance. He climbed up onto the ledge and lay there, trying to catch his breath. He'd forgotten how tiring climbing was. He'd spent twelve and a half years in the Afterlife. He never though that he'd come back. Yet here he was. Alive and lying in the same strip mine he had been chased through about five Overworld months earlier. He was alive.

He laughed weakly. "Hah..." he muttered. "I'm alive. I'm so much... better than Dream. I was revived because I'm liked so much."

He managed to shake off his exhaustion and get to his foot, using the mine wall for support. He hopped along with on hand on the wall for support. He was going to get out of the mine and back up to the surface. His eyes filled with tears as he realized that he'd see sunshine again.

"I'm coming home," he said to himself. "Oh, I'll finally be home! Twelve and a half years later! He said I'd never see the light of day again! He was so wrong!"

He hobbled through the strip mine until he reached the stairs. He looked up at the tall flight of stairs in pure shock. His horror was soon replaced by frustration, though.

"Come on, Quackity!" he shouted. "Just had to build a giant staircase! I'm going to murder him!"

He got back on his hands and knee and began climbing the stairs. He cursed Quackity the whole time he climbed. The once winged man was causing him more inconvenience than he thought possible. He hoped that Quackity was still out of his mind. He never wanted that pathetic excuse of a person to be happy again. He didn't deserve it.

Tommy did. He'd gone through so much and he was only physically seventeen! Well he may be twenty nine mentally now, he had still gone through all that trauma when he was sixteen and seventeen. He'd only been a kid, and he'd been killed three times. Now he was dealing with his second revival and pure pain was the only thing coming from it. He'd snapped because of all this built up anger and pain and fear and trauma.

He laughed. At least he'd gotten his revenge on the people he originally wanted it on. Now, Fundy, Sam, and Ranboo were up. The three would end up dead no matter what. He would kill them. He had died because of them.

He finally reached the top of the staircase. He smirked, but quickly stopped once he saw the craters in the once planning room.


He cursed Quackity loudly as he crawled through the decimated room, carefully avoiding falling into the craters. He managed to reach the ladder.

"The ladder," he said in awe. Once he climbed up that, he'd be free. He'd be back above ground. He'd see light for the first time in twelve and a half years.

He climbed up the ladder, mainly depending on upper body strength to climb. After a bit of struggling, he opened the trapdoor and climbed out onto the beach.

He looked around as he began crying. He was back on the beach of Logstedshire with the sun setting on the horizon. He gave the sunset one last glance before collapsing from pain and exhaustion.

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