Chapter 13

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Tommy couldn't sleep. The fear of another nightmare was too much.

    Their walk back to Snowchester had been uneventful. They hadn't talked to each other, and, when returning home, Ranboo still didn't speak. They'd seemed like they were trying to figure something out.

    Tommy was still blown away at how they'd stood up to Fundy. They had shot him! That one event made Tommy respect Ranboo so much. He wanted to congratulate them and praise them.

    He paused. The idea wasn't so sickening. Working with Ranboo didn't seem too bad anymore. Hm, maybe this would be a good alliance.

    He sat up, sighing. Lying around wouldn't stop his fear. Or help it. Or whatever the expression was. Was it even an expression?

    Now I'm just going crazier than I already am, he thought.

    He got out of bed, put on his jacket and gloves, exited his room, and went outside. He figured that he could find some peace on the walls of Snowchester.

    He exhaled slowly before walking over to the nearest wall and climbing up. He made his way down the wall until he reached his favourite spot. He managed a small smile as he looked out over the ocean. It was so calming; listening to the sound of the waves brushing against the wall. He rested his arms on the railing. Maybe there were some peaceful spots on the SMP.

    Peaceful. That word hurt him to his core. All he could think of was Ghostbur when he heard it. The ghost had made his life less miserable.

    He rested his head on his arms, trying not to cry. He missed Ghostbur with his whole stone heart.


    He stood up and turned, seeing Ranboo standing there. "Hey."

    "Do you mind if I join you?" Ranboo asked.

    "Not at all," Tommy said.

    Ranboo came to stand next to him. "I'm sorry if I scared you earlier."

    "Scare me?" Tommy asked. "You impressed me, Ranboo! I didn't think you had it in you, but you proved me wrong. You protected your son."

    Ranboo smiled, but quickly stopped. "I want to help you and Tubbo, Tommy. I know that it might sound odd coming from me, but it felt... good to not hold back. I felt like I had power. That's a feeling I haven't felt in ages."

    "I get that," Tommy said. "When I killed Wilbur... I felt like I finally had control over my life. It was like I could choose what I wanted."

    "So, you'll welcome me to the team?"

    "Of course. The more the merrier."

    Ranboo grinned. "Anyone else on our team?"

    "Only GhostWasTaken for now."

    "You're working with Dream's ghost?" They sounded like they were in disbelief, and their expression proved it.

    "Yeah. I was friends with Ghostbur and he was Wilbur's ghost. GhostWasTaken isn't like Dream. He's kind. He actually cares. He's not some sociopath who manipulates anyone who gets close to him."

    "I guess you're right. Well, is there anyone you have in mind for your second revenge? I mean, it only makes sense that that's what you'd want."

    Tommy grinned. "We've got plenty, Ranboo, but I'd like to hear about you first. Do you have anyone in mind?"


    "I expected that. Anyone else?"

    Ranboo looked at Tommy, their pupils reduced to slits. "I want Fundy dead. He tried to kill my son. I won't allow it to happen again."

    Tommy stood up straight. "Good idea. That furry needs to be put in his place."

    Ranboo returned their gaze to the horizon. "I'm sorry that I let him kill you. If I had just... I'm so sorry, Tommy."

    "Sorry...?" Tommy breathed. "You're... sorry for something you couldn't control?"

    "It's my fault."

    "No, stop. Stop apologizing."

    "How can I not apologize?" Ranboo demanded.

    "Because you shouldn't!"

    "That's not a concrete reason, Tommy!"


    Tommy crossed his arms over his chest before looking away from Ranboo. "Because I'm sorry."

    Ranboo looked at him cautiously. The Enderman hybrid hugged him. Tommy froze before grudgingly leaning into their embrace.

    "You're not half bad, Ranboo."

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