Chapter 9

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Tommy mindlessly threw a golden apple from one hand to the other.

He was leaning against a wall in Tubbo's house, watching the goat boy pace back and forth. They had gone inside to take shelter from the snowstorm. Now they were trying to plan out what they were going to do.

Tubbo glared at him. "You're supposed to eat the apple, not play with it."

"It's nothing, Tubs," Tommy said, rolling his eyes. "My ankle barely hurts anymore. Honestly, you worry too much. I'm—"

"I have right to worry," Tubbo said.

"But I'm fine."

"Please, Tommy. I don't want you to be in pain, and, if that isn't enough for you, I need you to be able to walk for our plan to work."

Tommy sighed. "Fine." He grudgingly ate the apple while Tubbo kept pacing.

Tubbo suddenly stopped, his eyes wide with glee. "Question," he said, spinning to face Tommy. "Do you happen to know how to revive people?"

"Are you kidding?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo sighed, looking disappointed. "I'm guessing you don't."

Tommy laughed. "Who said I didn't?"

"You know how to revive people?!" Tubbo cried, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Dream told you?"

"Of course he did!" Tommy said. "The guy may have been good at manipulation, but that doesn't mean that he isn't an idiot. He willingly told us all. Well, he did after Wilbur and Schlatt prompted him to."

"Yes!" Tubbo said. "This is perfect, Tommy." He laughed, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent. "There's a couple dead people I can think of that I want some revenge on."

Tommy grinned. "Two revived people coming up! Who will it be, Tubbo?"

Tubbo grinned as he spoke of who he wanted revived. His eyes seemed to glow red as he spoke of what he'd like to do. "Now's not the time, but I'll tell you when I'm ready. Oh, I can see why you did what you did now. It feels so good to hurt those who hurt you!"

"Exactly!" Tommy said. "If only everyone else could see it too."

"If only," Tubbo agreed.

"Well, let's figure out the rest of our plan," Tommy said. "We can't run into this without one. That would be disastrous."

Tubbo began pacing again. After a few minutes he stopped, but didn't look at Tommy. He murmured something.


Tubbo looked at him, his eyes dilated. "What if we fake our deaths?"

"Fake our deaths?" Tommy asked in surprise. "You want us to fake our deaths? But don't you want them all to see us? Don't you want to stand in front of them as they look at us in fear?"

"We can do all that," Tubbo said. "But one key thing you missed was getting away with it." His dilated eyes lit up once more. "We can destroy the server." He threw his hands in the air, shouting, "We can destroy the server, Tommy! And we can make it look like we died in the explosion!"

"Destroying the server," Tommy muttered to himself. The idea wasn't half-bad, but if they were faking their deaths using an explosion, who was to say they wouldn't actually die? They would need stasis chambers and someone to close the trapdoors when given a command. They would also need to be in contact with said person.

"We need stasis chambers," Tommy said. "Then someone to close the trapdoors."

"I think I've got someone," Tubbo said.

"Who would that be?"

"Our very own Ranboo_Beloved."

"What?" Tommy said in disbelief. Tubbo couldn't be serious. This had to be some sick joke. This whole thing had to be that. Why would he work with Ranboo? The idea was almost sickening!

"Ranboo," Tubbo said. "We can get Ranboo to close the trapdoors. They could also help us with the TNT and all that."

"But why wouldn't they just tell everyone and get us thrown in prison?"

"Ranboo wouldn't do that."

"They hunted me down, Tubbo!"

"They're my husband, Tommy!"

"I poisoned them!"

"They forgave you!"

Tommy paused. "They what?"

"They forgave you," Tubbo answered. "They don't hold a grudge against you anymore. They cried when you died. Most of us did. They would help us."

Tommy stared at him for a few seconds before laughing. Ranboo? Forgiving him? That was hilarious! Tommy had killed them. There was no way that they would help him, let alone forgive him.

"I'm serious, Tommy. They're just as mad as you."

"I'm sorry, Tubbo, but Ranboo just isn't the kind of person who wants revenge. They don't even hold grudges. I doubt they'd want to help us."

"You'd be surprised at what they'll do," said Tubbo.

"Ask them, then," Tommy said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't include me, though. If they tell the others, I'm not getting dragged down too."

Tubbo gave a him a smirk before opening chat and sending a direct message to Ranboo. A response came seconds later. Tubbo scowled and Tommy smirked triumphantly. He typed another message and sent it, getting a response a moment later.

He looked at Tommy, smirking. He showed the chat messages to Tommy, saying, "See? I know my husband."

The chat messages proved Tubbo's statements to be true.

<you whisper to Ranboo> Want to destroy the server and get some revenge

<Ranboo whispers to you> Um what are you talking about

<you whisper to Ranboo> The place kinda sucks and I want some revenge on some horrible people

<Ranboo whispers to you> Okay, do you have a plan or are we running in blind?

Tommy scowled. "Why are you always right, Tubbo?"

"Who knows," Tubbo said, shrugging. "Anyways, I'll invite them over and we can actually make a plan."

"Alright," Tommy said. He didn't mean it, though. This only made killing Ranboo harder. Now he had to work with the person he despised.

Maybe this second tale of revenge wasn't going to go as smoothly as he'd hoped.

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