Chapter 10

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"RUN!" a voice screamed.

He ran through the strip mine, his heart beating faster than he thought possible. He heard thundering footsteps behind him. He was being chased, and he didn't know who was chasing him.

"You can't escape!"

"He's this way!"

"This is for all your crimes!"

Then their shouts became a garbled mess. It was so, so loud. He could barely focus on running anymore. He reached the end of the tunnel.

"You really thought you could get away, didn't you?"

He froze. Why couldn't he recall anything? Who was chasing him? Why was he running? What crimes had he even committed?

He looked down, seeing the tip of a netherite sword sticking through his torso. He toppled sideways, falling into darkness.

He sat up in the blackness. Then he saw them. Three looming silhouettes. One was a taller person with shaggy hair and pointed ears. The one next to him was a person taller than him with goat ears, long horns, a tail, and long hair. The third one was shorter than the others and had ram horns, ram ears, and short hair.

He looked up at the three of them in fear. He felt the need to plead and beg for forgiveness. They sent fear through his entire being.




The three kept shouting and shouting. He covered his ears and shut his eyes, shaking with fear.

The shouting stopped, and he opened his eyes. He was lying on a bed in a humble looking house. Knelt at his bedside was a seventeen year old boy with goat ears and horns. He had burn scars on his face and wore a brown puffy winter's coat. He looked worried. The goat boy had his hand on his arm.

He lowered his hands, trying to decipher who this was. "W-what... Who... I—I don't..."

"Tommy?" the goat boy asked. "A-are you okay?"

It all rushed back to him. Tommy was in Tubbo's house because he had no where else to go. He had been revived by an unknown person. He was safe and Dream, Wilbur, and Schlatt couldn't hurt him. He had just had a nightmare.

Tommy sat up. "T-that was—was horrible."

"What happened?" Tubbo asked, standing up.

He tried to speak, but he could only get out one word. "Nightmare."

Tubbo nodded, understanding how horrible those could be. "Want breakfast?"

Tommy nodded, managing a smile. "T-thanks, Tubs."

Tubbo smiled. "It's no problem, Tommy."

That morning seemed to drag on for ages. Tommy had slept so restlessly the previous night that he felt like he hadn't slept in ages. Every task seemed even more draining than usual. Even lifting a fork to his mouth was tiring.

He placed his head on the table, his ankle beginning to throb. Despite Tubbo's pestering about eating golden apples and whatnot, they hadn't helped. He was still limping and tripping and falling.

There was a knock at the door. Tommy managed to lift up his head to look at the door. Tubbo went ahead and answered it. Standing there was none other than Ranboo_Beloved.

They looked slightly scared, which they should be. If he could, Tommy would have struck the Enderman hybrid down right then and there. He fixed them with a happy look with a threatening undertone, making them look even more nervous.

"Come on in," Tubbo said.

Ranboo came inside, closing the door. "So, uh, we're doing some griefing?"

Tommy and Tubbo shared a knowing glance.

"Sort of," Tubbo answered. "Along with some revenge. A bit of variety, you know? Can't stick to one thing. Seems kinda boring, doesn't it?"

Ranboo nodded hesitantly, glancing at Tommy. "Do you... two have a plan?" Their eyes widened. "I mean, it's completely fine if you don't, but, I mean, isn't it better to have a plan?"

"Plans are nice," Tommy said hollowly. "Tubs and I wanted to wait for you."

"S-so, Tommy," Ranboo said. "Y-you have forgiven me... right? It's completely fine if you haven't! But, I mean, it would be nice to not be mad it each other while working together, right?"

Tommy gave them a threatening smile. "Of course, Ranboo." He didn't even try to mask the hatred in his voice. "You didn't mean to hurt me, right?"

"Not at all," they answered.

Tommy stood up and tried to stalk towards the Enderman hybrid, but his ankle gave way, causing him to face plant. Tubbo rushed to his side as he got on his hands and knees. Tubbo tried to help him up, but he pushed the goat boy away and stood up.

"A-are you okay?" Ranboo asked as Tubbo stood up.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. Why is everyone so worried about me?"

"Because you've just come back from the dead," Tubbo answered. "You need to rest, Tommy."

"I don't," Tommy said. "I'm fine."

Before either of them could say anything, Tommy limped a few steps towards Ranboo. He tried to regain his threatening facade, but he could barely stand without grimacing.

"Glad you didn't mean it," Tommy said, trying to change the subject. "Do you"—he gestured to Ranboo—"have a plan in mind?"

Ranboo took a step back, trying to look inconspicuous. "I was hoping you two would have a plan."

"We blow up my house," said Tommy, surprising even himself.

He stumbled backwards. "Y-yeah," he said, still trying to figure out what he had just said. "We blow up my house. I don't need it anyways. We can blow up the whole hill, taking my house with it."

"A-are you sure?" Ranboo asked. "Do you really want to blow it up?"

Tommy didn't know. He really didn't know. Did he even want to hurt Ranboo again? What was even going on? Nothing was making sense anymore. He didn't know what to do. Who even was he?

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked. "Are you alright?"

"Mm-hm," he answered, nodding.

"Are you sure?" Tubbo asked. "You're looking really pale."

He looked at Tubbo. The goat boy looked terribly worried. As he smiled weakly, he said, "I'm fine, Tubs."

He was not fine.

He collapsed, laughing weakly as he fell unconscious.

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