Chapter 2

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It was the dead of night, the moon in the middle of the sky.

GhostInnit moved closer to the tombstone as the fog grew thicker. It was horrifying staying at the grave at times.

He closed his eyes, attempting to sleep, but he was too on edge. He opened his eyes once more and looked around in fear.

He took a few deep breaths. This was better than the black void. This was less freaky than hearing Ghostbur's cries and wails. This was better than the ominous silhouettes of Schlatt, Mexican Dream, Wilbur, and Dream looming in the void. This was better than the cold, oh so very cold feeling of the Afterlife. This was better than constantly praying for someone to die and set him free.

He jumped as he heard footsteps. He looked around in fear. In the fog, he could see an eight and a half foot tall silhouette lumbering towards him. Their eyes were wide and glowing purple. They had a tail, horns, and long hair.

"W-who's there?" GhostInnit asked, standing up. "Who are you? You don't scare me!"

The tall figure of Ranboo came into view. Their expression was blank and their eyes were glowing purple for some reason.

GhostInnit glared at them. "Why are you here, Ranboo? Shouldn't you be back in Snowchester?"

"Tubbo..." they murmured.

"What?" he asked.

Their expression changed to joy. "Happy. Simple. Back in no time."

GhostInnit took a step back. "What do you mean? What's going on? What are you trying to do? You don't scare me!"

Ranboo was in front of GhostInnit in mere seconds. "Help friend," they said, smiling. "Help Tubbo and Tommy."

GhostInnit tried to run away, but Ranboo grabbed him, lifting him off the ground. As he was about to scream for help, they placed their hand over his mouth, silencing him. He kicked and flailed and screamed his muffled screams.

Ranboo held GhostInnit with one arm, pinning his arms to his sides. They began walking down the Prime Path. He kept kicking and trying to break free, but it was no use. Whatever was happening to Ranboo seemingly made them incapable of remorse. Or maybe that was just who they were. He didn't doubt that Ranboo was just an apathetic excuse for a person.

What had started as a trip on the Prime Path had turned into a Nether trip. They had gone to the Nether Hub and entered the Nether. Now they were heading towards the lava lakes.

GhostInnit began to panic. He tried screaming again, but Ranboo was still covering his mouth. He flailed about, trying to break free.

They reached the shore of the lava lake. Ranboo threw him to the ground and stepped on his chest, pinning him down.

"What the hell is going on?" he shouted.

Ranboo took out a book and quill. They wrote something down in it before turning back to GhostInnit.

"TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" GhostInnit screamed. He shouted to try and stay calm, but he was trembling. He'd just been abducted and was now mere meters away from a lake of lava.

He wouldn't die if he fell in, well he would, but he'd respawn back at the grave. Regardless, it would still hurt. He didn't want to burn.

Ranboo closed the book before throwing it in the lava. They stepped off of GhostInnit, who hopped to his feet. He tried to run again, but Ranboo grabbed him.

He tried to get away, but there was suddenly a sharp pain in his abdomen, causing him to stop. He looked down, seeing the point of a netherite sword sticking out of the centre of his torso.

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