Chapter 7

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Hey, everyone. Just like to say that this isn't a full chapter chapter. I just really wanted to write some fluff for Tommy and Tubbo to sort-of-cleanse this angst ridden tale.

Tommy began shivering as he walked into Snowchester.

    Tubbo had taken him away from the now bustling Greater SMP and to Snowchester. Their short journey hadn't consisted of much talking. The only talk was when ever Tommy stumbled or fell because of his ankle. Even then, it was just Tubbo asking, "Are you okay?" and Tommy answering, "Yes." Then their trip would continue.

Tommy had left GhostWasTaken back at the Greater SMP. The ghost was to wait for a Tommy to come and get him.

    Tommy had to squint as he looked at the snowy land. The sun reflecting on the snow was so bright, and he wasn't used to that. He had been in darkness for years.

    "Are you sure you're okay?" Tubbo asked.

    Tommy nodded. "It's just bright out here."

    "You kept tripping," Tubbo said. "You're also limping."

    "I broke my ankle in my last moments of life," he said. "Of course it's going to cause me some issues."

    "Shouldn't you be unable walk?"

    Tommy sighed. "I took a bunch of healing potions. I can walk on it now, it's just painful, but nothing that I can't handle," he said, grinning at the goat boy.

    "Whatever you say, Tommy," Tubbo said. "Now, come on. Lets get you settled. You'll probably be here a while."

    He almost asked why, but then he remembered that a lot of people hated him. "I will. At least it's with my best friend."

    Tubbo looked at him with misty eyes. "I-I really missed you." He sounded like he was on the brink of tears. "I can't lose you again, boss man. I need TommyInnit in my life."

    He looked at Tubbo, finding himself moved to tears. He hugged the goat boy, crying quietly. Tubbo hugged him back.

    "Why... why do you still care?" Tommy murmured almost silently.

    "W-what?" Tubbo asked.

    "Nothing. Just happy to be back, Tubs."

    Tubbo gently head butted him. "I'm so mad at you."

    Tommy laughed. "I hope you don't hate me, then. That would be unfortunate seeing as I'm staying with you for a bit."

    Tubbo smiled up at him. "You know what I mean."

    "You thought I didn't?"

    "I wouldn't have been surprised," Tubbo said, gently punching him in the arm. "You are an idiot, Tommy."

    He smiled. "Well," he said, placing his hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "Why don't you show me around your place?"

    "Actually," Tubbo said, looking at him. "We might want to get you a coat. Hypothermia isn't fun. But that's just a thought."

    "And it's a good thought, at that," Tommy responded. "I'm freezing."

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