Chapter 16

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GhostWasTaken stumbled before grabbing the caldron for support.

Tommy stood up. He was still slightly scared from GhostWasTaken's puppeteering of Wilbur.

Ranboo was frozen and shaking. They looked like they were about to drop.

GhostWasTaken took out his book and quill. He wrote something down and Tommy leaned forward to see what it was. I can show you the surprise now.

"W-what is it?" Tommy asked.

Book and quill?
"Tubbo!" Tommy called. "Got another book and quill?"

Tubbo rolled his eyes before taking out another book and quill. "You're lucky I was so prepared, Tommy." He threw the book over to him.

GhostWasTaken took the book and quill and gestured for Tommy to step back. He took a few steps backwards. GhostWasTaken put away the book and placed down a block of soul sand. Then he took out a flint n' steel and lit the soul sand on fire, creating a soul fire. He took his book and quill out again and wrote something in it before dropping it in the fire.

Tommy flinched as green strings became visible on the ghost's fingers. "What are you doing?"

GhostWasTaken slowly looked at Tommy. His eyes were pure green now. He didn't even have his white pupils.

He suddenly dropped to his knees, but quickly stood back up. He seemed aggravated. He balled his fists.

Tommy covered his mouth in shock as a familiar figure appeared in front of the soul sand block. He began crying as the ghost took shape.

Standing there was Ghostbur. He'd adorned a new outfit: A brown trench coat with Friend the blue sheep stitched onto it that was too big for him, greyish-blue sweater, dark blue jeans, dark grey work boots, and blue tinted circle-framed glasses. His grey hair had a black streak in it now.

"GHOSTBUR!" Tommy shouted as he ran to the ghost. He hugged him.

Ghostbur froze. "Tom... Tommy?"

"You're here!" Tommy hugged him tighter. "You're alive!"

Ghostbur hugged him. "Hey, Tommy."

"Ghostbur," Ranboo breathed.

Tommy looked at the Enderman hybrid as they fell to their knees. They tried to raise their hand, but were too shocked.

"Gods," Tubbo said. "Y-you're... you're really... really here."

"I am." Ghostbur sounded like he couldn't believe it. He took a step backwards, beginning to smile. "I'm actually here! I'm not in that train station anymore!" He looked down at his hands. "It doesn't hurt anymore! My hands don't hurt anymore!" He took off his glasses and winced. "I'm also very blind now." He put his glasses back on. "But I'm back!"

He looked at Tommy. "You were right! Everything is going to be okay!" His eyes lit up. "I can see the sky again! And the ocean! And Fundy! And everyone else!"

Tommy looked away sheepishly. "Everyone kinda... hates me right now. So, I don't know about seeing everyone."

Ghostbur gave him a confused look. "Why would everyone hate you? You're a great person, Tommy."

"He killed people," Tubbo said.

"Tubbo!" Tommy scolded. "Could you at least sugar coat it a bit?"

"You... killed people?" Ghostbur asked. "I-I'm sure you had reasons, right, Tommy? Right?"

"I did," Tommy answered. But they weren't too good, he thought.

"Y-yeah," Ghostbur said. "That's... that makes sense. You had reasons."

Tubbo glanced at sky. "We need to get back to Snowchester before the sun rises. We can't have anyone seeing Ghostbur."

"Why?" Ghostbur asked.

"People will get suspicious," answered Tubbo. "When Tommy killed Wilbur, he got some backlash. You also didn't come back to life. So we, uh, killed him again and then GhostWasTaken brought you back."

Ghostbur blinked a few times before shaking his head. "Okay, um, yeah. Snowchester it is. What's Snowchester?"

Tubbo sighed. "Let's just get back there."

Ranboo stood up, their cold gaze on GhostWasTaken. "You are just like Dream," they growled, shocking Tommy.

He was about to yell at them, but GhostWasTaken returned their glare, causing Ranboo to flinch and stand down. There was a sense of fear in their eyes, like they were scared of GhostWasTaken. Tommy could have laughed. How could anyone fear the small and caring GhostWasTaken? He only did things to make Tommy happy.

He only does things to make me happy, he thought. Dream did things to hurt me. Did the gods make this ghost to heal all that trauma? He scowled. Of course they didn't. Why would the gods want me to be happy? They put me through all that trauma. He blinked away tears. They wanted me to become an anger fuelled traitor. It's not my fault. It's everyone else's. I've done nothing wrong.

"L-lets get going..." Ranboo mumbled in a small voice.

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