Chapter 4

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Tommy woke up to the curious face of a ghost staring down at him.

    The ghost resembled Dream in a way. He had grey skin and pure green eyes with Dream's smiley face for pupils. His mouth was sewn into a permanent smile and he had green bruises all over him. His long hair was light grey and faded to bright green. He had long grey horns that faded to green. He had grey goat ears and wore Dream's orange prison jumper with "001" stitched onto it. He had "XD" carved into into his right arm which glowed a bright green.

    The ghost was leaning over Tommy, eyeing him curiously. The ghost moved away as he sat up. He was still on the shore, but it was past midnight.

    He attempted to stand up, but fell forward, crying out in pain. "STUPID GODDAMN RAVINE!" he screamed.

    The ghost made a noise similar to laughter. He held out a hand to help Tommy up. Tommy took the help gratefully. The ghost allowed Tommy to lean against him to stay upright.

    "Who are you?" Tommy asked.

    The ghost gave him a look that conveyed the same thought: Who are you?

    "Uh, well," he said. "I'm TommyInnit."

    The ghost's eyes widened. He shook his head as though he couldn't believe it. He reached up and checked Tommy's pulse. He staggered backwards in surprise, leaving Tommy to stand on his own. He teetered for a few seconds before falling forward.

    "Thanks," Tommy grumbled.

    The ghost looked around. He ran off the shore and returned minutes later with a stick. He knelt down next to Tommy. He gestured to Tommy, himself, the stick, and the sand. From what Tommy could gather, the ghost wanted to communicate using the stick to draw in the sand.

    "Um, who are you?" Tommy asked.

    The ghost shook his head. He clearly didn't want to answer that question, which was a bit suspicious.

    "Okay, uh," Tommy said. "Why are you at Logstedshire?"

    The ghost began writing in the sand, disregarding all capitalization rules. roAming, he wrote. no Where to go.

    "Why've you got nowhere to go?" Tommy asked. "I'm sure there's plenty of people over in the Greater SMP who'd be willing to take you in."

    The ghost shook his head sadly. He used his hand to brush away his previously written message. He wrote, no One caRes enough. all mIss dream.

    "Dream?" Tommy asked. "Why wouldn't they take you in just because they miss Dream?"

    The ghost erased his previous message. want Help? he wrote before giving Tommy a kind look.

    "Oh, uh, with what?" Tommy asked.

    The ghost pointed to Tommy's house then to his ankle.

    "You're offering to help me to my house?" Tommy asked.

    The ghost nodded.

    "Oh, thanks," Tommy said. "I could definitely use the help. I spent awhile trying to climb out of a ravine. I didn't even think about getting to my house."

    The ghost stood up, helping Tommy to his foot as he did so. Tommy put his arm around the ghost's shoulders. They started walking towards Tommy's house.

    "Why are you helping me?" Tommy asked. "I thought everyone hated me. Even my best friend wanted me locked up in prison. I killed people!"

    The ghost shrugged. He made a muffled noise that sounded similar to, "Never knew."

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