Chapter 1

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GhostInnit was sitting at a grave. The grave was for someone named Tommy. He had apparently only been seventeen when he died. The tombstone did say that he was a villain, though.

    GhostInnit looked at the array of gifts the dead guy had been given. There were flowers, netherite ingots, iron ingots, and a netherite axe with "Axe of Revenge" etched into its blade.

    People used to come to the grave all the time, but now people rarely visited. Tommy's grave acted as a ghost town now. It was only ever GhostInnit and GhostWasTaken that were ever there. Today, though, GhostWasTaken was gone too.

    GhostInnit brushed his light grey hair out of his face. He looked around with his spiral pupils. He sprawled out on the ground, letting the sun hit his grey skin.

    "Couldn't something interesting happen?" GhostInnit asked. "It's been four months of nothing. Guess people only care about you for a month. Poor kid, Tommy is."

    He suddenly heard footsteps approaching the grave. He sat up and saw Tubbo walking over to the grave. His goat ears drooped and his blue and yellow eyes were red and puffy from crying. He looked hopeless, like he wanted to die. Like there was nothing to live for.

    GhostInnit stood up and smiled at Tubbo. "Hey, Tubz! How's it going? Long time no see, eh?"

    Tubbo glanced at him before dropping to his knees, sobbing. "I could have saved him! I could have helped him! Why hadn't I just been there for him? Please come back, Tommy!"

    "Oo-kay," GhostInnit said. "You're still sad about his death."

    Tubbo glared at him. "Of course I am! He was my best friend! You don't make it any easier! You're just a fragment of him! I want him back!" He went back to crying.

    GhostInnit sighed before walking past Tubbo. If nothing interesting was going to happen at the grave, he'd find something interesting. It was boring being stuck there every day. He'd been sitting there for five months, for the gods' sakes!

    He got onto the Prime Path, heading towards the most populated area of the Greater SMP. People would be there and some people were interesting. Maybe they'd make something interesting happen.

    He saw Ranboo coming his way. He glared at the Endermen hybrid. He'd always hated them for some reason. It was just this deep hatred programmed into him. In fact, he disliked most people on the server. He didn't know why. It always made him frustrated. There was no reason why he should hate everyone. He barely even knew them!

    Ranboo gave GhostInnit a sad look as they passed each other. "I'm sorry," they said quietly.

    GhostInnit just snarled at them and continued walking. Even if he didn't know the reason for hating Ranboo, he still did and he would until the day he died, which would never happen. He knew that he was a ghost, he just didn't know whose ghost he was.

    He came to a hill and walked up it. To the left of the path was a house in a hill and to the right was a bench and jukebox. Something about this place seemed familiar.

    He came to the realization that he knew the whole layout of the Greater SMP. Well, now he knew he was definitely the ghost of an SMP member, but which one? Whose ghost was he?

    He shook his head and kept walking. He went down the hill and spotted Sam building something with blackstone off the left of the path.

    His face contorted with anger. He hated Sam almost as much as Ranboo. He grit his teeth as he walked past the Creeper hybrid. Sam just gave him a sad glance before going back to building.

    "Apathetic much," he muttered.

    "If only you knew," Sam said. "If only you knew why we're like this."

    GhostInnit ignored him and kept moving.

    He didn't understand why everyone acted so sad when he was around. Wasn't it good to have a ghost? Then anyone who cared about the dead person would have a version of them around forever. It was a win-win scenario!

    Well, there were two people who didn't act sad when he was around. Fundy always glared at him and Quackity stepped back in fear.

    GhostInnit looked up. Quackity and Charlie were walking up ahead of him. The two were laughing and joking around.
    As always, GhostInnit got déjà vu as he looked at Quackity. GhostInnit could have sworn that he had once had wings, but now he didn't. He just appeared to be an ordinary person. Well, as ordinary as you could be on the Dream SMP.

    GhostInnit picked up his pace and strode past the two. Quackity staggered sideways, staring at him in fear as he began breathing heavily. His eyes dilated as GhostInnit glanced at him. Charlie stopped walking and stood at Quackity's side. He cast GhostInnit a sad glance before turning back to Quackity.

    GhostInnit walked faster. He spotted Puffy up ahead. She was crying. He decided that this was the end of his walk. He couldn't watch everyone be sad anymore. It was frustrating. They were all sad because Dream and Tommy had died.

    Hadn't Wilbur died as well? Why wasn't anyone sad about that? It was just about Tommy and Dream.

    GhostInnit turned around and began walking back towards Tommy's grave.

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