Chapter 14

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Today's the big day, Tommy thought.

He stood before Ranboo and Tubbo as they discussed a plan of action. Tonight was the night he would revive Schlatt and Wilbur.

They were standing on the Prime Path and near the crater that was L'manburg. It would have been pitch black if the moon hadn't been there.

"I waited thirteen years to see you again, Tommy!"

Tommy flinched before looking around. "Wilbur...?"

"Yeah," Tubbo said. "We're reviving Wilbur for a bit tonight."

"No, no. I—I just..." He looked at Tubbo and Ranboo. They both looked confused. "Never mind."

He peered behind him, a sense of paranoia setting in. You're just overreacting. Wilbur's not there. He's dead.

He shuddered. Not for long.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Even though Tommy had killed him, Wilbur still scared. He didn't know if he could survive seeing him again. In the Afterlife, Wilbur had been demoralized. He had lost all hope. But if he was brought back to life... He didn't want to see the old Wilbur again.

"Tommy?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah?" Tommy asked, looking up at the Enderman hybrid.

"Are you okay?"

Tommy turned his gaze to the ground. "Yeah... Just stressed, I guess."

He stepped back from the controls, retreating into his mind. He didn't want to revive Wilbur. He just didn't want to. What could he say, though? They would think that he was weak. They would think he was incapable. They would think that he was scared.

Tommy was brought back when Tubbo handed him a book and quill.

"Let's go," Tubbo said.

Tommy looked at Tubbo, struggling to control his emotions. The best he could do was clench his jaw and nod.

He's going to be alive again. He's going to be on the same plane as me. I can't do it. I can't. I can't bring him back. I don't want to see him again! I can't, I just can't! Tell them. Come on, come on!

"You coming?" Ranboo asked.

They were stood at Tubbo's side a few meters down the Prime Path.

"You bet!" Tommy answered, forcing a smile. "Just getting in the spirit, you know?"

"Alright," Tubbo said. "We'll meet you down there."

Tommy nodded. The two walked ahead and disappeared from sight.

He dropped to his knees, shaking uncontrollably. He placed his head in his hands and willed himself not to cry. He just had to revive Wilbur, let Tubbo shout at him, and kill him again. Then it would be over.

He heard footsteps behind, and he quickly looked behind him. GhostWasTaken stood there, looking worried.

"O-oh, just you," Tommy said.

GhostWasTaken walked over to him and held out a hand. His green eyes were full of concern. Tommy took his hand and the ghost helped him to his feet.

"T-thanks," Tommy said.

He tried to act fine, but he knew that GhostWasTaken could see through his facade.

"I don't want to revive Wilbur," he whispered.

The ghost gave him a kind look before taking out a book and quill. He quickly scribbled something down: I have a surprise for you.

"What is it?"

Revive Wilbur and you'll find out.

"Can't you show me before?"

GhostWasTaken shook his head. Won't work. Wilbur needs to be dead.

"A-alright," Tommy said. "It better be worth it, though. I'm placing a lot of trust in you, GhostWasTaken."

GhostWasTaken put away the book and quill before nodding at the Prime Path in a come on manner. Tommy followed the ghost down the path until they reached the end of the it; the crater that was L'manburg. Ranboo and Tubbo were there already, standing next to a caldron of lava.

Ranboo and Tubbo eyed GhostWasTaken. Tubbo quickly shook his head and nodded at the caldron.

Tommy took a deep breath. Revive him and kill him. It's simple.

He approached the caldron, his shaking intensifying.

"Revive Schlatt first," Tubbo said.

Tommy sighed with relief before remembering that he would still have to revive Wilbur. "O-okay."

He opened the book and wrote down Schlatt's full name. He saw a flicker of red strings on his fingers, causing him to flinch. He quickly closed the book and dropped it in the lava before shutting his eyes tightly.

There was a moment of silence.

"GLATT?!" Tubbo shouted.

Tommy opened his eyes, seeing Schlatt's ghost standing in front of the caldron.

"Glatt," the ghost agreed.

If they have a ghost, you need to kill it to revive them.

"Got another book?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo threw him one. He quickly wrote Schlatt's name again. He placed the book in his off-hand before taking out a bow and shooting Schlatt's ghost. He threw the book in the lava.

The colour returned to the ghost. His skin became beige, his hair became white with a brown streak, his eyes were red, his ram horns returned to dark brown, and his clothes returned to their normal businessman's attire.

"What?" Schlatt looked at the four of them in confusion before zoning in on Tommy. "You. You were revived. Who revived you?" Then he looked at Ranboo. "My gods you are tall. That's disgusting."

"Hey!" Ranboo cried.

Tubbo glared at Schlatt. "Leave my husband alone."

"Husband?" Schlatt asked. "Tubbo, you're married? Didn't think anyone would actually marry you."

Tubbo took out his axe.

"Schlatt," Tommy said, trying to regain his menacing facade. "You're very lucky. You've been chosen to be revived."

Schlatt's eyes lit up. "Finally! Thirty whole years I've spent in the Afterlife and now I'm finally getting revived! Thank the gods. It was getting hard to be stuck with Wilbur and Dream."

Tubbo's eyes flickered red. "There's a catch."

"And it is...?"

"You're dying again."

"WHAT?!" Schlatt shouted. "Excuse me, but I was promised that I was being revived."

"And you are," Tommy said.

"We're just killing you again because we hate you," Ranboo said.

Tubbo approached Schlatt. "Honestly, I think you are the worst father to ever 'raise'"—he made quotation marks around "raise"—"a child. You abandoned me in a cardboard box! You EXECUTED me!"

"I had reasons, Tubbo!"

"No, no you didn't! You can't just abandon your son in a cardboard box on the side of the road! You didn't even try to be a father to me when we met again! You just made my life miserable!"

"I didn't want to hurt you!"

Tubbo's expression turned cold. "Well, you failed." He knocked Schlatt to the ground before stepping on the ram's chest. "You lost your son."


"Goodbye, Pops." Tubbo brought his axe down on his father, killing him. Schlatt disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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