cry for help

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"you're all good" He said, finishing up with the cut and throwing the dirty cotton pad into the bin.


"Jaemin. Na Jaemin" he replied, with a bright smile plastered across his face

"right, see you around Jaemin" she said, zipping up her bag and throwing on her jacket.

"don't I get to know your name? that's no way to treat your medic" he said with a pout and she chuckled

"I gotta go" she said, speeding out of the bathroom, leaving the boy in the toilets smiling to himself. she walked out of the club waving a quick goodbye to the workers there before hopping into her nearly run down car.

"fucking finally" she sighed to herself, releasing tension from her shoulders with a slight massage before starting up the engine and driving to her flat.

it was a small, shitty apartment that she shared with 2 boys, and since she was in no interest to sleep with them in a room, she forced herself to pay extra rent in order to get the single room. yet the two boys hugged every other room, including the kitchen which is why the only food she ate was college canteen food or bar food.

she sighed as she parked her car in the car park, looking down at her dance outfit. she hoped to god the boys were asleep. Ever since they found out that she no longer works as a waitress in the bar and now works as a pole dancer, they stared at her like she was a piece of meat. worth nothing, all they wanted was to get a taste of what fucking her would be like.

yet, not all prayers could be answered. she certainly wasn't on God's priority list.

"hey pretty girl, you're back" the voice said from the living room as she walked into the apartment, the clicking of her black heels gaining the attention of the two boys.

she hummed in response and walked straight to her bedroom. she didn't want to face them when they were drunk...not again.

"hey! stupid bitch! don't you know better than to ignore me?!" the voice of one boy grew louder as he approached her locked bedroom door.

"open up you cunt!" the other boy said as he began to kick the door, she knew is scenario all too well as it happened before, countless times.

she had to act fast, her escape route was already planned. she hurriedly took off her heels and changed into sneakers which helped her land the jumps. she opened the window quiet enough after making sure she had the emergency bag she stashed away under her bed. she opened the window, pushing her legs up and out. she looked down at the pavement below her and without another second wasted, her feet hit the ground. Hair flowing in her hair, a scene straight out of the movies.

Not another look back and she was gone, her bag slung over her shoulder, one of her shoe laces beginning to become untied as she sprinted towards her car. And she sped, even though she was running away from impending doom, she had never felt so free.

Her car approached the same club she worked, she knew the streets were dodgy late at night in the area, yet it was the only place she knew with free parking for the night.

"Seriously the universe is taking the piss out of me" she said, extending her drivers seat backwards so she can create her makeshift bed for the night. It was far too late for her to be walking into the club asking for extra money for a room that night, the car will have to do.

Just as she was drifting off to the dark abyss as her eyes closed, the loud laugh of a man exiting the club woke her up.

"YOLO HAECHAN-AH YO~LO~" the familiar man screamed towards his more than drunk friend who was attempting to climb the street lamp. Her eyes adjusted to the sight to realise it was the same man from earlier today. Her eyes couldn't help but smile with her lips as she watched him try to video his friend with shaky hands, attempting to not fall over with laughter. And the sight of his friend falling every time he climbed an inch higher on the street light was another fun sight to see.

She shook her head and sighed, pressing the car horn to startle the two men who eventually were dragged away by their other two friends. She turned on the car radio at a low volume for some music to help her fall asleep. She had promised to herself to turn off the car eventually, yet dreamland had gotten the best of her.

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