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"You look so cute" Jaemin said as he stared at Yeseul interlocking her hands with the astronaut statue at the space gallery they were in.

"I try, I try" she joked turning towards him with a big smile. He held out his hand for her and she took it as they both walked to the hall with glow in the dark stars placed everywhere.

" this is what it feels like to be in the milkyway" she said with a smile as she walked around looking at the models of small rocks hanging from the ceiling

"Yup...well technically we're the milkyway" Jaemin said

"We get it, you passed second grade congrats" she deadpanned making him chuckle

"I heard they give out star shaped pastries in the cafe near the gift shop" Yeseul said, catching up to him after a while of being in the room and reading the facts

"You wanna go grab a coffee then?" He asked and she nodded. They walked towards the café but Yeseul had made them reroute to the gift shop as she saw the big astronaut plushie looking at her from the window.

"It's so cute" she said, to nearly everything in the store, gawking at all the soft plushies and stardust slime boxes. Jaemin smiled softly as he watched her, trying to grab everything and seeing what it was before moving onto the next one.

"Jaemin lets get this" she said pointing towards the grey alien plushie on the shelf and he walked over to her slowly looking over to what she was pointing at.

"It kinda looks like you" Jaemin teased earning a small shove from her.

"We should get matching ones" she suggested

"Cute" he said as he watched her grab two plushies, one for her and one for him. Before they could turn to walk over to the pay area, a small voice caught their attention.


Yeseul looked down at the kid who was pulling at her finger and met the eyes of a small girl with big wide eyes looking back at her. Upon realisation that Yeseul wasn't her mother, the kid took two steps back before wailing out into cries and Yeseul looked at Jaemin confused.

"Come here, don't cry" Jaemin said softly to the girl, bending down to her height so she didn't feel too intimidated. The girl slowly approached him, quietening her sobs down as she wiped away her tears with her small fists.

Yeseul awkwardly smiled at the people in the store that momentarily turned to look over to them before she watched Jaemin converse with the child

"Aigoo did you lose your mum?" Jaemin asked, with a small baby voice that Yeseul knew she was going to tease him with later and the little girl nodded.

"My name is Jaemin, this is Yeseul, what's your name?" He asked

"Sarang, Kim Sarang" the child said loosening up to them both

"Sarang~ what a cute name for such a cute girl~" Jaemin cooed, poking her left cheek softly making her giggle

"Do you want to come with us, we can help you look for your mum" Jaemin said, standing up to his feet and she nodded

"Oppa, can you carry me?" She asked cutely and Yeseul couldn't help but aw at them.

"Of course I can" Jaemin lifting her up into his arms making sure not to strain himself too much either.

"Unnie look! I'm taller than you!" Sarang said excitedly with giggles as she looked to Yeseul and Yeseul chuckled, not exactly knowing how to respond to that. She wasn't amazing with toddlers

"Sarang-ah, choose a toy" Jaemin said to the girl softly as his arms supported her even when she was reaching to plushies at 240°.

"This one!" She said excitedly as she help up a small saturn plushie, proudly showing Yeseul her selection.

"Wow it's so cute" Yeseul said, awkwardly chuckling afterwards and Jaemin smiled at her behaviour around the child

"Unnie is jealous that you called me oppa" Jaemin said to the kid making her giggle

"Hey when did i-"

"She never calls me oppa" Jaemin said with an exaggerated pout and the kid looked at Yeseul

"Unnie! You have to call an older boy oppa!" The kid corrected her

"We're the same age bitch" she muttered under her breath so Jaemin could hear

"Yeah Yeseul! Learn some manners" Jaemin teasingly gave out to her making her roll her eyes

The three walked towards the counter and lined up to pay for their gifts.

"Hi could you make an announcement and say that a child called Kim Sarang is missing her mother, can you bag these separately as well please?" Yeseul said to the cashier and she nodded

'Hello customers, a couple has found a missing child by the name of Kim Sarang, if this is your child please come to desk 2 in the Astro gift shop, thank you'

The intercom rang through the whole building and Jaemin couldn't help but wink at Yeseul when they had called them two a couple.

After a few minutes of Jaemin engaging in small baby talk with the little girl, a worried woman soon came rushing up to them.

"Eomma!" Sarang's voice was filled with relief as she quickly scrambled out of Jaemin's arms before joining hands with her mother

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, i thought she was right behind me" the woman said

"Oh no it's no problem" Yeseul said bowing to her

"Eomma look what oppa bought me!" Sarang said giddily as she flaunted her saturn plushie

"Did you see thank you to him? How much was it? Let me pay you ba-"

"No it's okay! Don' worry! She was amazing company" he said with a smile and the mother smiled and bowed once more

"Thank you again! Sarang, say bye to them" the mother said

"Bye unnie, bye oppa!" She said smiling as she waved, walking away with her mother. Jaemin and Yeseul soon walked out of the gift store with Jaemin looked at her, a constant smile on his face.

"What?" Yeseul asked, not being to take his awkward eye contact anymore

"You should call me oppa" he said with a smile making her stop in her tracks yet he proceeded to walk on ahead, making her catch up with him shortly after.

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