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"Lovely to meet you, the floral arrangements were definitely a nice touch to the evening" Yeseul said with a soft voice to the host of the dinner party as she took in the scenery

"Thank you very much dear, so how did the honeymoon go? I hope you both do have a real wedding sometime soon, he can't seem to keep his eyes of you" Jaemin's aunt said and Jaemin chuckled

"How could i when she is just so beautiful?" Jaemin asked as he smiled down at the girl who locked her hands with his

"How's the grandfather taking it?" The lady asked

"Not the best but...we haven't met him as of yet to start our screaming matches with each other" he said with a grin

"Well I'll leave you both to it then, try to make it out alive dears. I would love to see the beautiful children you two will make some day" she said as they parted ways with her

"She's your aunt? She's really pretty" Yeseul said, finishing what was left of her champagne

"Yup, i guess the good genes do pass down quite well in the Na family" Jaemin said with a chuckle and she rolled her eyes at his confidence

"You have quite the nerve of showing up here as a couple after the stunt you pulled on that tragic excuse of a wedding" his grandfather grumbled as his eyes landed on Yeseul

"There's no need to be hostile on such a wonderful evening, why don't we just put our differences aside for tonight?" Jaemin asked, trying his best to make Yeseul stop hiding behind him

"After tonight i no longer want to see your face ever aga-"

"The Na family, long time no see!" A voice said with a hearty laugh and Yeseul stiffened beside Jaemin, something that did not unnoticed by him

"Yes, it's lovely to see you here after such a long time"

"I would like you to meet my youngest son"

"And i would like you to meet my only grandson, Na Jae-"

"Yeseul?" The far too familiar voice questioned.  Jaemin and his grandfather turned their eyes to look at the girl who kept her eyes trained to the ground as she could not fathom what was happening in the current situation

"Yeseul" the voice said again, the voice of her sweet brother she had missed

"Pardon me, you know this young lady?"

"I-I... I'm sorry I feel a bit sick, I'm just-" her eyes darted up, missing the loving eyes of her brother and instead landing onto the cold and disappointed ones of her father and step mother, ones she had grown to resent since a young age.

"She's my sister-"

"I have to go" was the last hurried thing she had said before she tugged her hand away from Jaemin's, ignoring the calls of Chenle and Jaemin behind her as she rushed out of the big hall, garnering attention from the other guests.


"And they just stood there looking at me they always I'm some sort of disappointment or burden for them-"

"You aren't-"

"We both know I am...we've known that every since I was born" She cried into Doyoung's arms as he was called in to comfort her.

"I told myself i would never...let them look at me that way again, but there I was in that stupid ballroom place with every other millionaire in town. I told myself I wouldn't let this happen again, I promised myself I wouldn't ever go down this path again" She mumbled into his shoulder as he rubbed her back. Poor Jisung was sitting at the dining table lost by the sudden anger and override of emotions, he hardly knew what to say, he knew nothing of her past as did most people.

"Just because you're with Jaemin now it doesn't mean you have to go to these fancy events- is he forcing you to?-"

"No of course not... I just... I don't know why I feel as if I'm expected if I need to please him because if I don't then..."

"You haven't paved the way for yourself in this world by pleasing everyone hardly need to do it for a man that truly loves need to tell him how you really feel than just trying to please him" he advised and she sniffed her tears away. Her front door was soon opened by a large thud and there stood Chenle, staring at his sister with a sheepish Jaehyun behind him.

"What's he doing here?" Doyoung muttered to Jaehyun

"He caught me in a lie and followed my car so I had to say the truth"

(Bold = Chinese)

"Yeseul I....hi.."

"Hi..." she sniffled as she stood up to her feet to look at the boy who had now grown much taller than her

"I see you've grown into that big head of yours" she joked, trying to keep the mood light yet he was in no mood to play around

"Someone please tell me what the hell is going on" A voice asked, entering the apartment to see the divided group.

"Jaemin I..."

"He's your brother?" Jaemin asked, determined to find out what it was that had her running away from him tonight

"Yeah" she said, pursing her lips into a thin line as her eyes turned to the boy she had grown up with, the boy that had garnered more attention and love from her father than she ever could. The golden child.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" Chenle asked, sternly but nonetheless politely

"Yeah...let's uh...go to my room, Jisung there's some in the fridge, make sure to give it to our....guests.." she said with a pained expression as she pleaded him before following her younger brother out to her bedroom.

The three older men looked at each other with a stern expression, Jaemin not fully knowing the other two.

"So...i can uh...make water...?" Jisung said attempting to break the ice

"Water will do then" Jaemin sighed

"Cold, hot, room temp, lukewarm?" Jisung said, giving them options

"Do you even know how to turn on a kettle?" Jaemin asked, approaching him in the kitchen to fetch himself the water

"Do they even have a kettle is the question" Jaehyun chuckled as he joined the other boys in the kitchen

"What do you guys even eat?" Doyoung asked

"Ramen" Jisung blatantly stated

"Ah yes...the timeless korean delicacy" Jaehyun agreed

"We usually eat meals at the dance company" Jisung said

"Well then..what do you say boys? Should we cook something while we wait...they're gonna take a while" Doyoung said with a light chuckle only to groan as he saw one frying pan and one pot available for them.

"Looks like we are also gonna take a while" Jaemin chuckled

"Or we could just...order in?" Jaehyun suggested

"I agree" Jisung seconded it and the majority decision was soon made as Doyoung's stomach grumbled.

knight in amor | na jaeminWhere stories live. Discover now