chapter 3

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My swelling as gone down and Im back at the Royal Royce working as the bartender. My girl Candy was out giving dancing to booty hungry dudes and me talking niggas out of trying to get my drawls.

The bartender wasn't the best job for a girl since niggas wasn't thirsty for drinks. "Caramel when you going to stop working at this bar and give me a dance?" I was approached by this nigga with a fucked up grill and looked liked he had really bad breath. He was fat and looked like a greasy chicken. He looked contagious and If I touched him I would catch a STD.

I tried my hardest to ignore him. The scent from his sweaty body made me want to vomit. I wish someone would come save mle from this nightmare. "Andrea come here." Frank had called me to his office. You don't know how proud I am to be away from that greasy bird. I sat in the green chair in front of Frank's office waiting for his response.

"How would you feel about moving up?" He excitedly asked with the biggest smile on his face I ever seen. "As what? A Dj?" He laughed at my response as if I told a joke. "No silly. A Stripper." Me being a stripper. I never thought I'll see this day. "Sure. I'll love that"

"You start tomorrow" He smiled and put me out of his office. I needed to find Candy but I knew she was to busy working. I went back to the bar where Sheila was already taking my spot. I continued to let her work since I couldn't deal with any of the thirsty niggas right now. I sat up at the bar and ordered drinks for myself since I knew I needed them more than anybody. I haven't seen or heard from Marcus. I disconnected my phone afraid he might find me somewhere.

I wasn't ready to face him since he beat me that day. I've been avoiding my brothers as well. My mama probably is so worried. It's been a month since I talked to them all. Candy was my bestfriend and the only person I needed since she let me sleep in her guest room. She appreciated me being there since she lived alone.

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