Chapter 16

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Antonette's POV

Drea had called me talking crazy and I knew it was only right to let Tyrone know what was going on with my sister. He had been gone all morning and I been here by myself. Drea had been gone for two days and I knew something was wrong. I was happy she had called me today to let me know what was going on. She was with Marcus. Crazy ass Marcus.

Sitting in the living finally seeing Tyrone walking in the door. "Tyrone Drea called me earlier. I think she's in trouble." I said in a low tone. "What type of trouble?" He asked confused. "Bad trouble with this guy Marcus. He has her." I said nervously. "We have to find my sister Tyrone." I said while tears ran down my eyes. "We will find her Nette. I promise we will." He said hugging me. My baby was already giving me hell and it have all morning. From the morning sickness to now. I haven't talk to my baby's daddy all day. I didnt want to since Drea had been missing.

Having my phone with me through the whole day just incase Drea would call back. I waited and waited a couple hours before giving up. Tyrone had left again and this time I didn't know where to. I needed some comforting since I was taking it really hard. I didn't call mama nor my brothers since I didn't want them to worry. I went into the the room I was staying in and laId in bed watching tv. I pulled out my phone and texted my friend Shanny. I was hoping Tyrone was out looking for my sister. I needed her to be there when I told my mama about my pregnancy.

My phone rung and I looked at my screen seeing a unfamiliar number. I hope this was Drea calling me. "Drea." I said answering my phone. "This not Drea. This is Mario." The deep voice said from the other side of the phone. "Mario what do you want?" I asked sarcastically. "I wanna talk to you about my baby." Mario said. I had dropped my phone. Who told him about my baby? Who even told him I was pregnant. That's my job to tell him the news. "Hello."I said picking my phone up off the bed. "Who told you I was pregnant?" I was eager to know. "One of your friends." He replied. "Which one?" I asked. "That don't matter Nette. Why didn't you tell me?" I could tell he was mad.

"I don't know I have a lot going on. Can I call you back please?" I begged. "Man Nette no. tell me how far you are." He had ignored everything I just said. "Not now." I said hanging up the phone. This was just to much for me. First I'm pregnant and my sister isn't here with me right now. What am I going to do now? All I knew she was somewhere with Marcus but where? I still waited for a call from her. "Lord please let my sister be okay." I said praying. I got my phone and dialed Dreek's number. He was my bestfriend from 4th grade. He had a car and I knew he would come get me. Plus he was sixteen with his license so yeah. I called but he didn't answer so I decided to text him.

To:Bestfriend Dreek :)


'Hey Dreek! This Nette can you come pick me up please? I'm at 123 Grant Dr. It's urgent.

I put my phone on the dresser while I waited for Dreek to text me back. I had already showered and put on a pair of my bleached jeans, a plain t-shirt and a pair of my flip flops. At least I had got my toes done 3 days ago. The vibration from my phone had scared me.It was Dreek returning the text.

From:Bestfriend Dreek :)


Yeah I'll be there in a few. Let me take Shardai home and I'm on my way.

I didn't text back but I put my phone down on the bed. I had waited a couple minutes of Dreek. I heard a horn that got my attention. I looked our the window to find Dreek's white impala outside. I grabbed my phone and the key Tyrone had given me to his house.

"Hey Dreek." I said happily. "What's up?" He said. I laughed. "So where we headed?"

"I don't know. I just need to get away from here. just take me anywhere you like until I figure out what I got time for." I said. "You always been difficult but I got you." We started to pull out of the apartments.

"Mario called me earlier. Somebody told him about the baby."

"He did. what he was talking bout. who told him about the baby?"

"Yeah. Nothing just wanted to talk about the baby and the baby only. he didn't say who it was."

Our conversation went on until we reached this pizza place. "They got the best pizza here." He said. "Sure they do."

We had ordered a medium half pepperoni half cheese pizza. Lets just say I ate most of it by myself. "You got cravings early." He said and I laughed. "I know. This pregnancy having me sick. I was throwing up everywhere. Momma thought I had a stomach virus." He laughed. "Really?" He continued to laugh.

"So not funny Dedreekus Lamar Howard." I laughed. He hated when I said his whole name. "Okay Antonette Rachelle White." He said making me laugh. I took a sip of my sprite and continued the conversation with my bestfriend. "This is the most fun ive had in a long time. Thank you so much." I said smiling. "Anything for you." He giving me a small grin. "You ready to leave?" He asked. I was so ready. The waitor had given us the bill and Dreek had paid it.

On the way back to Tyrone's house, I started to feel sick. I knew Dreek had seen the look on my face. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I think that pizza is coming back up. Can you pull over please?" I asked and he quickly pulled the car over to the side of the road. I continued to throw up and was excited when it was over. Dreek had offered me so gum. "Thanks." I said and was ready to go home.

We pulled backed to Tyrone's apartment. Still Tyrone's car was no where in sight. "Can you come in and keep me company?" I asked since I didn't want to be alone. "Yeah lets go." He said following me in. We sat on the sofa and watched tv.

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