Chapter 12

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Antonette was on her way back home and Candy hadnt been home. I knew I would be here all alone. I hated being alone. Tyrone is still mad at me. He haven't been returning my calls and I haven't been to work. I just needed a break from work. I had called Frank and told him I had food poisoning so I would be out of work for a while.

After Nette left I had took me a nice hot bath and got dressed up real pretty and hit the road. I had a lil money from the nights I did work and decided to go shopping for some new shit. Plus all the malls was having a good ass sale. Since it was no nigga here to treat me like I needed to be treated I did it myself. I got my nails done, I got my hair did and even bought me a couple outfits and some shoes.

I felt a little better until I looked straight ahead and seen who I never thought ill see. Tyrone is here with another girl. My feelings was a little hurt looking at him and the girl together. I felt like he had lied to me all this time about him having a girlfriend. I could feel tears running down my face that I quickly rubbed away with my hands. Tyrone had spotted me staring at him and I quickly walked towards the exit doors where I had parked my car.

"Andrea." I heard him call other me but I continued to walk outside to my car. "Andrea" He called again and I had seen he ran behind me. "Leave me alone Tyrone." I unlocked my car doors and entered it. "Andrea let me explain" He said while out of breath from all the running. "Explain what? How much of a liar you are?" I said angrily.

"What the hell are you talking about. I haven't lied to you."

"So who's the girl you're with?" I asked Angrily. "Who Erica? She's my sister."

"Your sister?"

"Yeah my sister. I brought her here to buy some things for my neice and nephews. Andrea I really like you." He reached in for my chin and pulled my face towards his and kissed me on my lips. He had put a smile on my face. "Um Tyrone." I called before he walked back towards the mall. "Ill move in with you." I said happily. "What you say?" He asked as if he didn't hear what I said. "I said ill move in with you." I said louder than before.

By the look on his face I could tell he was very happy. "Ok cool." He said before giving me another kiss. "Ill call you later. let me get back in this mall before my sister think I left her." He walked off leaving me with a big smile on my face.

When I got back to the house Candy was sitting on the sofa with some guy and a girl. "Hey Drea girl." She said giving me a small smile. "Candy where you been? I been waiting for you the whole weekend." I had a worried look on my face. I never seen her like this. Maybe Royal Royce was going to her head.

She never responded. "I'm moving out." I told her before walking back to my room. I planned to be out of Candy's house by Wednesday. Tyrone was going to help me move all my stuff over to his place.

I sat down on my bed hoping I was doing the right thing. I don't want to end up from where I started from. I hope Tyrone would take care of me better than Marcus did. I had nothing to lose right? I just hated being the one who needed someone to take care of them.

I wasn't going in for work today. Instead me and Tyrone would be hanging out. I didn't know where the hell we was going but I knew I wanted to see him. I started gaining big feelings for him. Which is crazy since I never wanted to gain feelings for another guy. Not even a girl either. I was not running for love. Love was always running from me.

I stared into Tyrone's face. He continued to order food from Red Lobster's Menu. I looked down at my menu confused about what I wanted to eat. All I knew was I wanted to seafood. Maybe some shrimp or some. "what would you like to order." The waitress asked me not knowing Tyrone was done ordering. "Umm ill like to have a umm. Let me get any of her shrimp meals." I loved shrimp so when it came to a shrimp dish I never knew what will be good so I ordered everything.

The waitress had walked away. "So you didn't know what you wanted to eat?" He smiled. "No all I know was that I loved shrimp I really wanted me some."

"Yeah I can see that." We both laughed. I love their biscuits as well. They were in the middle of the table. I felt like they were looking at me and talking to me saying 'Eat me'

Finally the waitress was back. Our table was full of food. Its was like we was feeding a whole group. I was enjoying my shrimp dinners while Tyrone was eating lobster and crab legs.

When it was time to pay the bill I sure didn't want to see it. Tyrone was paying though. I didn't finish all my food so I got a takeout plate. I had enjoyed myself once again with Tyrone.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked before pulling out of the parking lot. "Yes I did. I fun on this date with you." He given me a kiss. The kiss like he did before. He even went under my skirt making me wet. This time he pulled off my panties. I knew he had wanted to taste me. So I let him. Getting head was always something I never thought ill ever get. Espectially from him. He's much of a freak than I thought he was.

"Tyrone wait." I tried to make him stop but he didn't. He kept going. This time he was unbuttoning his pants. I couldn't believe we was actually doing this in Red Lobster's parking lot. I didn't try to stop him anymore since I knew I would fail doing it. Instead I let him continue.

The next morning I woke up next to Tyrone. I had on nothing. Not even a bra or any panties which meant I knew exactly what happened. Me and Tyrone had sex. It had to be good since my hair was all over the place. I grabbed my clothes off of Tyrone's floor and got dressed. I then woke up Tyrone who jumped up as soon as he felt me kick him. "Take me home. Take me home now." I yelled. "What the fuck is your problem?" He looked confused. "I don't know." I said taking a seat on his bed.

"I really don't know." I said again before Tyrone placed a kiss on my cheek. "Ill take you home if that's what you want but first ima feed you. I can't seen you home with a empty stomach. He started to get dressed. "I ate enough last night. Plus I brought the rest of what I didn't eat with me." I grabbed my purse from his dresser. "Ima still buy you some to eat. Save that for later. Eat some breakfast." I felt pressured into doing but I knew he was such a nice person. I just didn't want him to buy me nothing else since I had bought all that food last night.

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