Chapter 7

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Since Trina was here it made me think a lot. About my mama who I haven't seen to in a couple months. She was mad that I had got involved with Marcus who she thought was a bad influence on my life. He had been arrested many times on several charges.

He had four kids around the time we met. I was 17 he was 23 and he was the first to ever catch my attention. He had mad swag out this world and he was known in the city. He gave me money even when I didn't ask for it. He bought me everything I wanted. Mama always told me that was Marcus way of getting into my pants.

I didn't care since he had a very big dick and some good ass head. He became my bestfriend and my only priority. He kept me away from family afraid that I would tell his crazy secrets that he kept from his own family.

Mama didn't want to see me anymore afraid that I had thrown my life away. I told her I was a big girl and I knew whatI was doing. Mama was right since Marcus actually did hurt me. I left afraid not knowing what will happen. He could've sent a hit man after me if he haven't already did. I was very in love with Marcus but I lost my respect for him. I was-" My thoughts had been broken after Candy and Trina constanly called my name.

"Are you ok" Candy seemed very worried. "Yeah I'm good. Just thinking."

"About what? I hope not Marcus." She blasted me. "No girl." I lied. I really did miss Marcus. Besides he was the reason I have everything I do. He was the reason whyI never had to catch the bus or had to steal since Mama Didn't have money for all four of her kids to be taken care of. She struggled just like any other person did on our street.

We never wore busted shoes or clothes that looked liked they were for the less fortunate. She kept us wearing Jordans and Nikes. She worked two jobs just to take care of us and it's sad I never listened to her growing up. I still don't now.

"Yeah right. You know you're thinking about Marcus." she teased. "Fine im thinking about Marcus. I'm thinking about my mama too."

"Oh yeah how is your mama Drea?" Trina interrupted. "She's good I think. I haven't seen her." I felt bad just thinking about not seeing her but talkin too her once a month.

"Why not?" She was desperate to know. "Because I starting fooling around this drug dealer guy. He took care of me though. Like he bought me an apartment, a car, he even made me stop working just to take care of me."

"Oh well I understand that. That's how I was with Marcus before He got all crazy. My new boyfriend works two jobs too take care of us. Well he did before we moved here. It's going to be a nee start for all of us."

I threw away my plastic plate after demolishing the breakfast Candy had cooked. "Thank you girl." I walked back to the living room and took a seat on the couch.

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