Chapter 18

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Antonette's POV

I was sick ass hell this morning. This morning sickness got me all messed up. I would have felt so much better if Drea was here with me. Instead I'm stuck here with Tyrone who probably wouldn't know what to do if I went into labor right now. Too bad I have 7 months left to go. My mama had been calling me since she came back from her trip. She had been calling for Drea complaining about she haven't been answering her phone. I had been telling mom Drea broke her phone and she's asleep everytime she called. She would say things like she dreamed of fishes and that Drea was pregnant.

I was the one pregnant but I wasn't going to tell her. Not just yet. We had tons of news people and other reporters outside the house. They were accusing Tyrone for my sister being gone and that I knew all about it. Do I look like I would help Tyrone kill my fucking sister. I had no problem with him but shid I don't hate Drea that much.

I turned on the news seeing Drea's face. They had reports all over the newspapers and everything. Too bad I don't know people that looks at the newspaper. "Oh my god. Tyrone come here." I yelled and Tyrone ran into the livingroom. "They can't be serious. They actually think I killed her." Tyrone shouted very upset. "Don't worry its going to be okay. Eventually they will find her and they will find Marcus too." I said trying to calm him down. It didn't work though. He continued to yell and cuss and all that. "Lord please help them find my sister. Let them get Marcus and locked him up for life." I yelled. Not only that but tears fell down my cheeks. "What if they never find her Tyrone." I said sadly. "Dont say that. Their going to find her." He tried to calm me down as well. It helped a little but not as much as I wanted it to.

We continued to watch the news. Finally Marcus' face had popped up. They are looking for him too. Saying stuff like he's armed and dangerous. That he held my sister captive and if you had info on today's story call the number at the bottom of the screen. Maybe this will be it. This would be the time. Please lord.

Andrea's POV

What the hell? I said to myself as I looked at myself on the news. Me and Marcus both. Maybe my family was looking for me. Maybe since Marcus had broke my phone they wasn't able to contact me. I continued to glue my eyes on the TV screen. How in the hell is this fool going to keep me away from my family. Especially my pregnant sister who's probably worried to death. My mama is probably having a heart attack right now. My brothers on the other hand is probably thinking of a way to get rid of Marcus.

He didn't come home last night leaving Big Mike here all night. He wasn't scared of Marcus he just liked the money Marcus gave to him. He was just a money hungry fat ass. He sat with me on the couch and watched the news as well. "That nigga Marcus gone be mad at you baby girl." Big Mike said shaking his head. "Mad at me for what?" I asked. Maybe it was a dumb question but I'm not the one telling people Ive been kidnapped by Marcus Mitchell. Its my family. Maybe he shouldn't keep me hiding in the house or should I say trapped. Maybe he shod at least let somebody see my face. I really d

didn't care. I just hope it will get me out if here and away for Marcud forever.

Marcus had made his way into the house. "Pack my shit and your shit ans let's go now. Those pigs are after me." He said. I guess he rushed home hoping to get time to leave the city or go undercover. I barely had anything here since I took most of my stuff with me when I left. Marcus tossed me a big bag and I started packing stuff. I packed some clothes, money, drugs and more.

We placed some bags into the trunk of the car and left the building quickly. Marcus sat in the passenger seat, I sat in the back and Big Mike drove. He sped quickly out of the parking lot. I had no idea where we was going but I wanted us to make it safely.

Soon there were police cars behind us and all I heard was sirens. Flashing blue lights and I was smiling and very happy. Here I was getting saved. Saved from two crazy ass fools. We had pulled over and many police cars surrounded us. "Don't move."Marcus said getting out his gun. "Marcus don't do that." I told him nervously. He didn't listen though. Big Mike and Him both started shooting their guns at some cars behind us. They returned fire making me ball up into a seat. The shattered glass from the back windows had hit me not knowing if I had been cut or stab by any.

The gun shots had stopped and I looked up to police officers leading me out of the car. Big Mike had been killed but Marcus had a couple bullet wombs. I had a few stratches on my hands and wrist from the broken window. I had been put in the back seat of a car and taken to a police station where I was asked many questions.

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