Chapter 19

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I had been released and met by my little sister and Tyrone. Following behind was my mother and my three brothers. "Thank god you're okay." Mama said hugging me tightly and given me a kiss."Hey yall." I said back happily. "Can we go now?" Nette asked. "Yes we can." I replied and we left.

We all went to my mama house. She had continued cooking. Me and Nette both sat in the kitchen leaving mom company. "Drea I almost had a heart attack. Seeing you on the news, I rushed and called your brothers. They was ready for war." Mama said Marking me and Nette laugh.

"I know. I was scared myself. I was just glad they was around before we got to far." I said happily. "Well now he got time in jail and I'm finally free from him." I jumped up and down. "Yes and I'm happy to have you back." Nette said hugging me tight.

Tyrone watched TV with my brothers in the livingroom. Mom put me and Nette to work. She had us making kool-aid and her homemade tea and lemonade.

Dinner was quiet. All you could here was the fork hitting the plate and the ice in everyone's glass. "Mom." I said breaking the silence. "Nette have to tell you something." I said making everyone's eyes turn her direction. "No not now." Nette said. "Come on just tell her and get it over with." I said.

Okay fine. Everybody, I'm having a baby." Nette said. I could tell it was a bad time since mom got up and left the table. My brothers just looked at Nette but no saying nothing. "You're what?" Mama said making her way back to the dining room table. "I'm pregnant." Nette said again. "Mama I'm sorry." She said giving mama a hug. "Its okay baby. its okay." She said hugging her back. "She's coming to live with me and Tyrone." I said. "Okay thats fine." Mama said hugging us both. "I love yall so much. No matter what." Mama said.

We all took a seat in the living room watching a movie together. I love these family moments even though its been a while since this happened. I just loved my family so much and nothing could come between us.


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