Chapter 15

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I next morning I woke up in bed. I had on nothing not even a bra nor panties. My face still stung and my body of course was sore. Marcus was no where in sight so I felt completely safe. Until he appeared of course.

He walked into his room with nothing but his boxers. "You better be glad I love you girl." He said with a small smirk. You love me? I asked myself. You don't hit somebody you love. Afraid to say that out loud so I kept it all in my head. "You heard what I said?" He asked breaking my thoughts. "Yes I did. I heard what you said but why am I naked?" He looked confused. "We fucked Drea of course." He said. I didnt remember that part of last night but I do remember him beating my ass. I got out of bed with the cover around my naked body. "Where you think you going?" He asked. "To shower" I replied.

"Not before we do it again."He said. "Do what?" I asked even though I knew what he meant. "Until we fuck again." He said making his way towards me. "I wasn't in the mood for that I just wanted to get in the shower. He kissed me and walked me over to the bed. He unwrapped the cover from my body and laid me down on the bed. Then Marcus was on top of me. I tried my best not to make any sounds but that didnt work. I moaned from the time we started until the time we finished. "He then made his way down. He always said he'll save the dessert for last. He even told me how much he liked the way I tasted.

Finally I was able to take my shower. Even though it took Marcus a while to finish I still got my time in.

After the shower, I put on my robe and sat in the livingroom. I turned on Martin until Marcus was done showering. I didn't know what to expect out of everything today but I did know I hope it wouldn't cause another fight between me and Marcus.

Finally Marcus was out. He would usually take a two hour shower. He came into the livingroom fully dressed like he was on his way out. "Go put on some clothes. We got business to take care of.

I walked back into the room and put on something simple. I put on me a tank top, a pare of my cargo shorts and my red chuck taylors. I hated putting on prettu clothes to go anywhere with him. Besides they would get dirty. I was there when he shot a couple people who owed him money, who didn't do any of his jobs correctly and more.

We got into his red camaro and was on our way. We pulled up to a old house, with busted out windows and no door. I didn't know where the hell we were but I knew Marcus would protect me. We both got out and walked up to the house. Marcus entered first and I followed behind. There were a gang of men and a couple women in the house. "My nigga Marcus" One dude said shaking Marcus' hand. "Yo man who is this sexy lil thang you got witcha?"Another dude asked walking up to me "This my girl." Marcus answered making the dude back up. "Sorry big homie." He said.

I knew I felt out of place here. The females here looked ratchet and drugged out. I was happy I wasn't part of that life. I just wanted to get the hell outta here. "You work at Royal Royce?" One of the females asked and all eyes went on me. "No I used to but not anymore." I replied.

"Yeah I knew I knew you from somewhere." She said. "Okay my nigga. Lets go handle this right quick." A man said walking out the door and all the other men follow including Marcus. He gave me a kiss and continued to leave me in the house full of stranger women.

I sat down in a empty seat. I didn't have no phone since Marcus had broke my iphone leaving me phoneless. "What's your name?" One of the girls asked me.

"My name Andrea but you can just call me Drea." I responded. "Oh that's cute and you are too. Youre a very pretty girl. By the way my name is Stacy. So how you get in this crazy lifestyle? With Marcus anyways?"

"That's a long story."

"Yeah that's the same thing we said but I'm only doing this for my daughter China." Another girl said. "This money I get from my boyfriend pays for everything. My name's Kenya." Kenya said smiling. This women were cool. At least they were here to keep me company.

"So do you have any kids?" Kenya asked. "No not at all. All I got is my little sister Antonette. She's back at my house waiting for me but Marcus took me from home and now I'm here."

"Wow that's so sad. Is she there alone?" Stacy asked. "No my boyfriend Tyrone is there with her. Do one of yall have a phone? Marcus broke mine." Kenya handed me her galaxy and I dialed Nette's number. "Excuse me ladies" I said getting up from the chair and walking outside.

"Hello" Nette said from the other side of the phone. "Nette this Drea. Where Tyrone?" I whispered. "I don't know. He's not here. Where are you and why are you whispering?"

"Because I need yall help. You remember my old boyfri-"I was cut off. "Who Marcus?" She screamed. "Ohh no. Where are you I'm telling Tyrone." By the way she sounded I knew she was afraid. "Drea where you?" She asked. "Nette I don't know. some old abandoned house that he come to. I guess." I responded. "Do you know the address or anything?" She asked. "No but I have to call you back." I said before hanging up the phone. I walked back into the room where the other women were and Kenya back her phone.

"Their on their way back." Another girl said. "Wait. Who is she and what in the hell is she doing here?" The girl asked. "Who the hell are you?" I asked back angrily. "I'm Michelle. I'm Buck's wife. Why are you even here in our business? You don't need to know what we got going on you outsider."

"First off baby doll. Marcus is my boyfriend and Business. I been in this business since I was in high school and now I'm a grown ass woman so you don't talk to me like I'm one of your kids." I said correcting her from being so wrong. All I knew was I was ready to leave. I looked out the door way and seen it was almost dark. I've been here waiting for Marcus for about six hours. I couldve been made my way out but too bad im trapped her.

Finally Marcus and his crew was back making me happy. When they entered the house they were all bloody like they went on a rampage. A crazy ass rampage. "Damn Marcus why are you covered in blood?" I asked. "I don't wanna talk about it right now. Lets go." He grabbed my hand forcing me out and back into his car. The car ride was quiet except for the music that played on the radio.

We pulled back up at another house. "Wait here." He said giving me a big kiss. I was beginning to get tired and was ready to go home. He stayed in the house longer than I thought he would and I could feel my eyes giving heavy forcing me to close them and going to sleep.

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