Chapter 3 : I'm at S.H.I.E.L.D

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In a car riding to S.H.I.E.L.D

After a few minutes of driving and some unanswered questions, we arrived at the tower. I won't lie, I was impressed.

After walking into the elevator, I was starting to worry. Why would the government want to speak with me out of everyone?

Why would I call the police?! Del where are you? – Peter

I'm at S.H.I.E.L.D and I have no idea why. – Adeline

We took the elevator to get into his office. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk and he sat on his chair.

"Okay, so Adeline...Jones right?" He said

"Yeah, why?"

"I have your birth certificate here, take a look at it."

He gave me the document. Why would he have that?

"I think that you have the wrong one... It says Adeline Rogers and that I was born in 1956."

"There's no mistake. I'm sorry to tell you this but, the people that you're living with are not your parents."

"No, you can't be serious!"

"I am. Also, have you ever noticed that somehow, you are stronger and faster than the average person?"

"Excuse me sir but I don't even know who you are! Who says that you're not lying?"

"I understand your confusion, but I am not lying. We have all the proof in this document. Here take a look at it." He hands me a document and looks through it. Everything seems to make sense.

"Your abilities are coming from your father. We believe that you were created by Hydra, a criminal organization, in 1956..."

"I'm 16 years old, not 57!" I exclaimed

"Our guess is that they froze you until 2005 at the age of 8 where someone, we don't know who brought you to the Jones house."

"Oh my goodness.."

"I understand that it can be a shock for you."

Can be? It is a shock. I waited a few minutes to process what was happening.

"Who is it?" I asked


"My dad, who is it?" I precise

"Steve Rogers, aka Captain America."

"Captain America..." I got up feeling dizzy. "I, I need some air," I said after taking a few short breaths.

He nodded his head and I got out. By accident, I bumped into someone. He was really tall and muscular with blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Sorry, sir."

"It's alright." He said

I just ran out on the balcony and called Peter.


"Del, are still at S.H.I.E.L.D? Are you okay?"


"Well, your voice tells me otherwise."

I didn't even realize that I was crying.

"Can you come and pick me up please?" I asked

"Of course, I'm coming."

3rd p.o.v.

Steve got in Phil Coulson's office.

"Hi, Steve."

"Hey, who is she? The girl I mean."

"Oh. Uhm, I'm not sure if I should talk to you about that right now..."

"What does it have to do with me?" Steve asked

"You might want to sit down."

Phil explained everything about Adeline. Steve felt at the same time happy, and sad that he just learned about her a few minutes ago.

"Where is she?"

"She went to take some air."

Steve got up to join her.

"Steve, you might want to leave her some time. She just learned that her whole life was a lie. I'll go ask her if she's ready."

Steve nodded and sat back down while Phil went to get Adeline but when he got outside, she was already gone. He ran back inside.

"Shit! She left!"

He tried to get to her before she left, but it was too late, she was on her way home to her "family".

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