Chapter 10 : Breaking News

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"And tonight on breaking news : Another explosion occurred at King's Plaza Shopping Center in Brooklyn. There were a lot of injuries but no deaths. Again, we could find the same logo that belonged to Hydra in WWII on a wall inside the mall so we believe that Hydra is targeting S.H.I.E.L.D or The Avengers. Our journalist interviewed two young boys who got saved by a mysterious girl who seemed to have amazing speed and strength."

The camera switched to a footage of the couple that got saved by Adeline.

"Can you guys tell me exactly what happened?" The journalist asked Justin and Sam

"Well," Justin started. "Sam was unconscious, stuck under a piece of wood and a huge concrete pillar was about to fall on us but the girl she, she ran under it and pushed it alone. No one could've done that so easily. But she did and after she lifted the piece of wood that was crushing Sam like it weighed nothing. She saved our lives and I can't thank her enough." He finished.

"Do you have any idea who she could be?" The journalist asked.

"I really don't know. I was so focused on saving Sam that I can't remember her face but she seemed to be my age, but I can't say for now."

"Thank you." The boys leave and the journalist turned back to the camera. "People have mentioned that her presumed powers look awe fully like Captain America's. I've talked to a few victims and their family and some of them told me that they saw Steve Rogers talk with the girl after she got with a victim. Witnesses told me that they looked exactly the same so we assume that she could be a family relative. Tony Stark organized a conference later today, probably to talk about these events. We'll update you soon. Back to you."

The man watching the TV threw his glass of whiskey at the television and got up angrily. His plan failed again. He knew he should've hired someone more experienced with that sort of thing but he thought that the young adult would suffice because of his motivation. He was wrong.

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"I will not speak in front of all of these people!"

"You have to!" Tony said to the young super soldier. "People need to know who you are. You can't leave them looking for answers for the rest of their lives!"

Adeline looked up at him crossing her arms on her chest. She was sitting on the couch while Tony was pacing in front of her, sick of arguing with the young girl.

"Why don't you speak to them? You're better at this than I am." She pleaded.

"Because they want to meet the girl who could push thousands of pounds of concrete all by herself." Tony said and Adeline looked away, clenching her jaw. "Plus, my phone and S.H.I.E.L.D's are filled with calls of people wanting to know who you are."

"Look, if she doesn't want to speak, she doesn't have too." Steve said from the other couch, sitting on the arm.

Tony rolls his eyes and sighs. "It's impossible to argue with both of you. Especially you, kid." He started to walk out of the room. "Prepare a speech, kid. You'll need it." Steve sat down beside his daughter and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You really don't have to speak if you don't want to, Adeline." Steve said, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.

"I'll do it. I don't really have a choice." She said looking in his sky blue eyes

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The room was full of reporters getting their notes and recorder ready. There was three cameras; one in the middle and one on each side. There were photographers, ready to capture everything with their lenses. Adeline was backstage fumbling with her hands nervously, scared to mess up in front of the big crowd. Her father took her hand in his trying to reassure her the best he could. Tony got to the podium first. Feeling at ease, he explained how the conference would go : Adeline would speak and then answer to questions. He told them to be respectful because he wanted everything to go well for the teenager that he grew to love more and more everyday. Yes she was stubborn and overly determined but he loved her nonetheless. He waved at Adeline for her to come on stage and the crowd applauded.

She squinted her eyes at first, blinded by the lights, but she got used to it fast. She started to unfold the paper that her speech was written on but stopped. "I had written a speech but I think that I won't read it because it's probably really bad." She said and the crowd laughed, putting her more at ease.

She coughed, trying to gain back her senses. "My name is Adeline Rogers and I the girl who helped during the explosion at the mall." As soon as she said this, the reporters started writing in their note pads and started their recorders.

"I'm 15 years old. Well actually, I'm not 15. I technically am 58 years old." She paused earring the snaps of the cameras around the room. "I was created by Hydra, a nazi organization in 1957. They froze me in ice until 2002 where someone brought me to safety in my foster house. I wasn't aware of this until about 3 weeks ago where S.H.I.E.L.D found me and told me that my blood father was Steve Rogers." She cleared her throat before continuing. "I have no memory of what happened in my past life except a few flashbacks that came through nightmares and I promise you that I will stop the monster behind these attacks and bring peace back to New York."

The crowd applauded again and Adeline looked back to Tony and her dad backstage. "Questions." Tony mouthed to her and she turned back to look at the crowd. "Any questions?" Tons of hand shot up and Adeline pointed to a woman in the middle of the room.

"What kind of powers do you have?" The woman asked

"Well, I have approximately the same abilities as my father witch means enhanced speed and strength plus a stronger immune system. I'm just a little bit less strong than him. Next question?" Again, hands shot up and she chose a man closer to the stage.

"Are you part of the Avengers now?" He asked

"I decided that I will fight to protect the ones in need using my super soldier abilities. And if you were wondering if I would help the Avengers in case of crisis, my answer is yes but I'm not to sure my dad would agree." She said grinning and the people in the room laughed while Steve shook his head, looking down with a smile tugging on the corner of his lips. And Tony let out a booming laugh hitting Steve on the shoulder.

"Thank you for your time, have a good day." Adeline said and walked off the stage. The reporters were screaming questions, trying to get her attention but she only focused on getting out of the spotlight. She ran when she was out of sight and jumped in her father's arms. He spun her around before setting her on the ground. "You did well honey." He said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you dad!" She said smiling. Tony grabbed her shoulder softly. "Come on kid, let's go get ice cream to celebrate." He said and they started walking with Steve following closely behind. He was smiling, his head in the clouds.

She had called him dad.

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